KRCR ABC 7 Redding came up to do a story on tomorrow’s Celebrate 900 Event at the Community Center.
Fair Plan Residents Firewise Discount Resolved
Thanks to the Firewise discount, residents have reported up to $200 in savings on their insurance premiums, but unfortunately, Fair Plan residents have been denied this discount. The City reached out to the California Department of Insurance (CDI) about this issue, and CDI contacted the Fair Plan, and the problem has now been resolved. Click to read more.
Seeking Dunsmuir Building Official - RFP
Update: Owner found (Dog Found, help!)
Update: Owner Found.
This good boy was found on Dunsmuir Avenue in front of City Hall this morning. He has no tags or chip.
If he’s your good boy please come down to City Hall or call 530-235-4822 extension 1.
Drainage Runs Dry, Why?
City Hall Closed Friday 8/30 and Monday 9/2
Due to limited staffing, the City of Dunsmuir’s City Hall will be closed on Friday, August 30th, 2024.
City Hall will also be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd, 2024.
Utility bills can be paid online (link).
Have a Great Weekend Citizens!
Thanks for being YOU
Seeking Applicants to Serve on Finance Committee
Dunsmuir Finance Committee
The City of Dunsmuir is accepting applications to participate on the Finance Committee as one of the two citizen members. In addition to the citizen member, the committee will consist of two members of the City Council and the City Treasurer. The Finance Committee makes recommendations to the City Council on financial policies and procedures of the City. Committee members shall be residents and registered voters within the City or sphere of influence, with priority given to relevant experience in Finance, Law, Accounting, or Business. Resolution 2019-11 is the establishing document to be referenced.
Applications may be picked up at City Hall or downloaded from the City’s website:
Please submit applications to:
City of Dunsmuir
Attn: Finance Director
5915 Dunsmuir Avenue
Dunsmuir, CA 96025
Railyard Cleanup Project Public Meeting
The City has been maintaining pressure on the agencies involved in the Railyard Cleanup Project to reduce the number of releases, increase testing, and increase public transparency and messaging regarding the project.
While the City recognizes that the agencies involved in the Railyard Project have made a number of positive changes to their processes over the last few weeks, releases continue to occur, and the City has asked for additional improvements, testing, and more proactive management and messaging coming directly from the Railyard Project agencies to our citizens.
Today, the agencies involved in the Railyard Cleanup Project announced a Community Open House on Monday, August 26th, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at the Dunsmuir Community Center. The City encourages all residents to attend to learn more about the project and get their questions answered by subject matter experts.
The City encourages residents to report each and every release from the railyard project to the State Warning Center at 1-800-852-7550.
The City will continue to provide updates on the project as we receive new information. However, for the latest information about the Railyard Project, visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife project page (link). The EPA also has provided a project overview here (link).
If you have any questions regarding the Railyard Project, contact Union Pacific - Peggy Ygbuhay, Sr. Director of Public Affairs with Union Pacific Railroad, at (916) 789-5957.
Trash Pickup Not Available Monday Labor Day - Tuesday instead
Dunsmuir Made the Medford News
Dunsmuir made the NBC 5 Medford News for becoming the first Firewise Community in Siskiyou County. Check out the video above.
And join us on Saturday, Sept 7th, from 11 AM to 1 PM at the Community Center to celebrate.
Free food and refreshments will be provided by the Siskiyou Fire Safe Council and the Ford Family Foundation.
Guest include CAL FIRE, Siskiyou Fire Safe Council, Siskiyou County OES, Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District, CORE, United Policyholders, and more. Get all your wildfire questions answered in one place.
Visit the Dunsmuir Firewise Site (link) to learn more about what being Firewise means to you.
Statement on Continued Railyard Releases
EPA test results (link) received today from the Sacramento River below the Railyard Project showed that measured concentrations in the surface water samples did not exceed risk-based screening levels for recreational activity.
The agencies overseeing the project (link) recommend that people avoid contact with the river if there is visible oil sheen and/or cloudy water. However, the City of Dunsmuir is taking this a step further and advising people to stay out of the river below the railyard at all times out of an abundance of caution until river quality shows noticeable improvements and continued testing by the agencies involved in the Railyard Project shows the river is safe.
While the City recognizes that the agencies involved in the Railyard Project have made a number of positive changes to their processes over the last few weeks, releases continue to occur, and the City has asked for additional improvements and more proactive management and messaging coming directly from the Railyard Project agencies to our citizens.
The City encourages residents to report each and every release from the railyard project to the State Warning Center at 1-800-852-7550.
The City will continue to provide updates on the project as we receive new information. However, for the latest information about the Railyard Project, visit the California Department of Fish and Wildlife project page (link). The EPA also has provided a project overview here (link).
If you have any questions regarding the Railyard Project, contact Union Pacific - Peggy Ygbuhay, Sr. Director of Public Affairs with Union Pacific Railroad, at (916) 789-5957.
Dunsmuir is Firewise Certified!
Railyard Cleanup and Sacramento River Update
Sacramento River Monitoring Update
Oil sheen was reported in the river this morning.
Union Pacific RR, US-EPA, CAL-EPA, USCG, CDFW, and Regional Water Quality Control Board continue actively monitoring and testing the Sacramento River to ensure its safety as the Railyard Cleanup Project is underway.
For a full list of agencies involved and the monitoring occurring, see our 8/6 post here (link).
If you see oil sheen in the river and want to report it, call the State Warning Center: 1-800-852-7550
Railyard Cleanup and River Monitoring Update
Oil sheen seen in river south of town morning of 7/25
This morning at approximately 10am the City received a call about oil sheen in the Sacramento River. The City notified Cal Fish and Wildlife to investigate. Around 4pm Cal Fish and Wildlife notified the City that the Coast Guard in cooperation with Cal Fish and Wildlife, Envirocon, and Republic Services investigated and found one small amount of oil sheen in south Dunsmuir. It was determined by the Coast Guard as an isolated amount. It appears to be a spill from an individual and inconsistent with the sheen's that has previously been identified with the cleanup associated with the railyard. Special thanks to the community member for reporting this incident and to the Agencies on the ground in Dunsmuir for taking quick action to clean up the spill.
Dustin J. Rief
Notice of Public Hearing - CDBG Closeout
Notice of Public Meeting on the Status of CDBG Funded Activities
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Dunsmuir will hold a public hearing on August 1st, 2024 at 6 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 5912 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025. The purpose of the hearing will be to discuss and solicit comments on the submittal of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) accomplishments and closeout report for the Dunsmuir Microenterprise Assistance Program, 20-CDBG-12088. The project is being funded through a Community Development Block Grant provided by the California Housing and Community Development.
Activity: 20-CDBG-12088
Awarded $250,000.00
Microenterprise Assistance $250,000.00
The City of Dunsmuir will be required to disencumber $75,136.65 of 20-CDBG-12088 for Microenterprise Assistance. Due to an insufficient number of eligible activities and limited award amounts due to underwriting standards, the City of Dunsmuir was unable to spend down those funds.
The following information related to the project is available at 5915 Dunsmuir Ave (between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday –Friday or by emailing the contact listed below:
A. Project progress/status of completion and expected timeframe to completion
B. Results to date and projected totals, such as number of beneficiaries assisted, housing units completed, portion of project in service, or persons served.
C. Funds expended, balance of funds available, and budget expectations to completion.
All persons interested in the status of funding, or the progress of the project are welcome to attend this meeting in person or remotely via zoom, look for link to join on City Website Written comments can be directed to the City of Dunsmuir, at 5915 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025 or you may contact Wendy Perkins by telephone or email at 530-235-4822 ext. 102 no later than July 25th on to ensure placement in the official record of the hearing.
The City of Dunsmuir does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, age, religion or disability. If you require specific accommodations to participate in the public hearing, please contact Wendy Perkins at least 7 days prior to the scheduled hearing.
Farmers market this thursday
Julia’s Fruit Stand will be there with peaches and different varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, onions, and other fruit and vegetables. Cattle Call from Montague will bring different cuts of locally grown beef, pork, and lamb. Silvia’s Tamales features handmade pork, beef, and chicken tamales. Knead Micro Bakery will offer sourdough bread and baked pastries. Kindred Gardens will have vegetable plant starts, decorative plants, and succulents. The Dunsmuir Community Garden will have a variety of produce as the season progresses. Thunderbird Microgreens will bring microgreens and hand raised mushrooms.
The Dunsmuir Community Market will be open Thursdays throughout the summer except for holidays from 4 to 6:30 pm. It will be in the parking lot of the Dunsmuir Community Center Building at 4835 Dunsmuir Avenue next to the baseball stadium and the entrance to the Botanical Garden.
Some vendors accept credit cards as well as cash. EBT purchases are matched up to $20, as long as funds are available, doubling eligible customers’ ability to purchase fresh, local produce and other food.
Individuals interested in being vendors at the market can call Dunsmuir Community Resource Center at 530-235-4400 for information and an application. Local residents are encouraged to become vendors and sell vegetables and fruit they raise. Food and crafts can also be sold. The process to become a vendor is a simple one. The Farmers Market is currently under the sponsorship of the Dunsmuir Community Resource Center.
Individuals interested in donating to the Market’s EBT Match fund can contact the Resource Center. The Match makes it possible for eligible low-income families, seniors, and other individuals to afford more fresh, local fruit and vegetables and other food.
Dogs are not permitted by state and local laws. Service dogs are allowed. They should be on leash.
The Dunsmuir Community Resource Center encourages everyone to come to the Dunsmuir Farmers Market and enjoy the delicious, locally produced fruit and vegetables and food, to support the Farmers Market, and to support local farmers and growers.
Interested in Running for Local Office? Nomination Papers Available 7/15
City of Dunsmuir will have 3 local offices up for the nov. 5th Election this year
The following will be/are opening for Nomination Paperwork
Dunsmuir City Council positions (2) TWO VACANCIES
Dunsmuir City Treasurer (1) VACANCY
If you are registered to vote, and live within City Limits and are interested in running in the November 5th local election for either City Council or Treasurer, come down to City Hall to pick up Nomination Paperwork. It will be available July 15th - August 9th.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Municipal Election, consolidated with the General Election will be held in the City of Dunsmuir on November 5, 2024, for the purpose of electing two City Council Members and one City Treasurer for four-year terms ending in 2028.
Nomination papers will be available beginning Monday, July 15, 2024, through Friday, August 9, 2024, in the office of the Dunsmuir City Clerk, 5915 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA, during regular business hours or by calling 530-235-4822. Completed papers must be filed in the office of the Siskiyou County Clerk, 311 Fourth Street, Room 201, Yreka, CA; no later than 4:00 pm. on August 9, 2024. For further information, contact the County Clerk’s Office at 530-842-8084 or the Dunsmuir City Clerk at 530-235-4822.
If no one or only one person is nominated for an elected office appointment to the elective office may be made as prescribed by California Elections Code Section 10229.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the poll hours for this election are 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Dated: June 18, 2024
s/ Laura Bynum, County Clerk