Building Department

City of Dunsmuir Building Department follows the most current version of the California Building Standards Code, Title 24 .

Click the blue link to view current code.

building inspections:

To request an inspection on your existing permit: Call Lance: 530-776-4057, leave your permit#, address on permit, contact details and type of inspection needed.

For general building permit questions, substandard building reports, complaints or plan check status: Call Leo: 530-776-4915

Email completed permit application to:

When submitting building plans to our Building Inspector, please provide 2 copies wet signed. Review the Plan Check Checklist below for requirements.

If you are an owner/builder you must also submit an owner/builder acknowledgement form. Download below.

Property owners: If you wish to authorize someone to act/sign on your behalf, please have property owner sign Authorization of Agent Form and name the Agent authorized to sign.

Please find additional useful information regarding Submitting Building Plans, connecting a sewer lateral, etc below