City of Dunsmuir and Dunsmuir Firewise/Fire Safe Council are gearing up for the biggest Green Waste Day yet!
Mark your calendars for Free Green Waste Day, Saturday, May 3rd, from 8 AM - 3 PM at the Ball Park Parking Lot (4841 Dunsmuir Ave). Bring your leaves, branches, and even whole trees, and we will unload them and dispose of it all for free. See the brochure below for a full list of what is and is not accepted, or check out our website (link).
I need help
Do you want to participate in Green Waste Day but can’t do the work yourself? No problem! We offer two types of free assistance. Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis; please share this with those who could benefit the most from these options to ensure they get on the list immediately.
1) The McConnell Foundation and the Mount Shasta Ecology Center will be providing free volunteers to help clear brush and small trees for those who need the assistance. If you would like to sign up for this free assistance, call 530-925-5420, email, or click the I need help button below and fill out the form.
2) For those who can do the work themselves but don’t have a way to transport everything to Gree Waste Day, we will also have volunteers providing free pick up on Green Waste Day. If you would like this free service, please call 530-925-5420, email, or click the I need help button below and fill out the form.
I want to volunteer
Last Green Waste Day pushed us to our limits, but we hope to make this one the biggest yet! However, to do this, we need more volunteers. We need people to volunteer for the following things. If you want to help with the following items, email or call 530-925-5420.
1) People with Trucks: We need individuals with pickup trucks to help provide free Green Waste pickup to those who are unable to transport their piles to Green Waste Day themselves. Last Fall, we had volunteers in trucks running continuously during the event, so we can’t expand this service further unless we get more volunteers.
2) People to help unload vehicles and direct traffic at the event. We are expanding hours for this Green Waste Day event, so we need more people to help unload vehicles and direct traffic to help ensure a smooth event.