Two wildfire projects are coming to Dunsmuir!
The Siskiyou Fire Safe Council and The McConnell Foundation have received two separate Wildfire Mitigation Grants to do FREE wildfire mitigation work on private property to help protect our City.
Learn more about BOTH projects below and sign up!
The Siskiyou FireSafe Council wildfire project
The Siskiyou Fire Safe Council has secured grant funding to conduct on-the-ground fuel reduction treatments on 183 acres of private property.
The focus area for this project is the eastside of the Sacramento River from the I-5 Bridge at Tauhindauli Park down to the Shasta County Line. This includes roads like River Avenue, Butterfly Avenue, and South 1st Street, as well as all the feeder streets off those roads on the same side of the river.
The project will establish a fuel break along roadways to help stop future wildfires and create defensible space around homes to help save them in a wildfire.
In general, the project will work to cut down and thin out fuels around roadways and homes up to 300 feet from the roadway. The project will remove overgrown brush, dead, dying, diseased, or overcrowded small trees and trim up limbs on trees. For more details on what work can be done, see Attachment B (link).
The 183 acres of work should be enough to cover every property in this project area, but you must sign up to receive the free work. Fill out the Landowner Agreement (LOA) to sign up! Click the the Project Sign-Up Packet button below.
If you want to save certain trees in your yard, you can! Just be sure to mark down any specifics on page 5, Attachment A, of the Project Sign-Up Packet (click the button above) under Additional Notes. The project contractor will work with every landowner to help ensure you are satisfied with the final product.
Again, you must sign up to receive free work!
This project will help protect your home and your neighbor's homes from future wildfires. Please print out and fill out the Landowner Agreement (LOA) form in the Project Sing-Up Packet (click the button above). There are also copies at Dunsmuir City Hall. You can mail the form to VESTRA as directed on page 1 of the packet or drop it off at Dunsmuir City Hall.
Please tell all your neighbors about the project.
The more people sign up, the more effective the project will be.
If you have more questions or need help with the form, contact one of the following:
Kristine Cloward, 530-223-2585,
Giselle Nova, 503-926-2089,
Stephen Decatur, 530-925-5420,
The Mcconnell Foundation Wildfire project
The McConnell Foundation has been awarded grants to mitigate wildfire impacts around Mt. Shasta and Dunsmuir in Siskiyou County. The McConnell Foundation has partnered with the Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District (SVRCD) to help get landowners signed up for the project. The goal of the Project is to reduce the risk of wildfire within high-priority wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas by reducing hazardous fuels. The project will focus on large privately owned parcels surrounding the City of Dunsmuir and Mount Shasta.
The project's first phase starts in November 2024 and continues into early March 2025. The Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District (SVRCD) will conduct outreach for the McConnell Foundation to sign up interested landowners within the project boundary. SVRCD will contact landowners by mail, in-person visits, and local community forums to provide information and answer questions. Each homeowner will complete a right of entry form to sign up for the project. No vegetation management work will occur if the landowner does not sign up for this project. Once the initial sign-up period ends, it will likely be too late to sign up.
The second phase of the Project will be the removal of hazardous fuels and is expected to begin sometime in 2026 and last 24 months.
If you are in the project area, then visit the McConnell Foundation’s project website for more information on the project and how to sign up for this project.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District at or call (530) 572-3120.
Not in either of the Project Areas?!?
Don’t sweat! Get involved with Dunsmuir Firewise for the latest on new projects, free green waste days, free volunteer assistance and opportunities, and community wildfire events. Click the Dunsmuir Firewise button below!