City Council Commissions & Committees


Per Dunsmuir Municipal Code 2.24.020

The planning commission shall consist of seven members, the majority of whom shall be persons who are not officials of the city.  Two of the members can be from within the city’s sphere of influence; with interests or property within the city’s limits.  The members of the planning commission shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council.  Such members shall be appointed for terms of four years.  The terms of office of advisory members of the planning commission shall correspond to their respective official tenures.

See Planning Department for more information.


First Appointed Reappointed Term Ends

  • VACANT (Feasby) July 2022 June 2026

  • Craig Kay (Chair)* December 2017 2024 June 2028

  • Carol Skalko (Vice Chair) October 2018 2024 June 2028

  • VACANT (Decatur) July 2024 June 2028

  • Dwight Bailey June 2020 June 2026

  • Michael Sanchez April 2022 2024 June 2028

  • Chrissy Thomure* May 2021 June 2026

    *Historic District Delegates - appointed to Historic District on December 8, 2021


A standing committee is a committee which has continuing jurisdiction over a particular subject matter (e.g., budget, finance, legislation). Standing committees need not establish a "regular meeting time and place" in any operating rules but they must meet in public and post notices of their meetings. The Act presumes that whenever a standing committee holds a meeting that is posted at least 72 hours in advance, that noticed meeting is considered the "regular meeting" of the standing committee. See Gov't Code § 54954.

FINANCE committee

Purpose:  To provide oversight of city finances and debt management, bond ratings, grants and loans
Councilmembers:  Matthew Bryan (1 year term beginning 2023) Michael Clarno (2 year term beginning 2023)
Staff:  Finance Director, City Manager, Treasurer Mario Rubino

Meetings: 1st and 3rd Mondays


Purpose:  Develop recommendations for current and future solid waste services to inform the prop 218 process; recommend strategies to address state mandates on organics for composting; and address future solid waste initiatives as needed.
Councilmember: Lucchesi, Keisler

Citizen members: :

Meets: Monthly: 2nd Mondays

Disaster planning advisory committee (dpac)

Click link above for more info on DPAC

Purpose:  To advise the City Council on how to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from natural disasters that could impact the City of Dunsmuir.
Members:  Citizen members: Paul Blackwell, vacant, Brian Shirley and Lynda Scheben

City Liaison: Bruce Deutsch

Staff:  City Manager, Contract Planning, Fire Chief when needed

Meetings: 4th Thursday of the month at 6pm in the Dunsmuir City Council Chambers

CDBG Loan Committee

Purpose: To review and approve applications for business and residential loans funded by CDBG and program income.
Councilmembers: None
Staff:  City Manager, Finance Director

Meetings: on call in CLOSED executive session


A temporary advisory committee composed solely of less than a quorum of the legislative body that serves a limited or single purpose, that is not perpetual, and that will be dissolved once its specific task is completed is not subject to the Brown Act. Temporary committees are sometimes called ad hoc committees, a term not used in the Brown Act. Examples include an advisory committee composed of less than a quorum created to interview candidates for a vacant position or to meet with representatives of other entities to exchange information on a matter of concern to the agency, such as traffic congestion.


Airport ADVISORY Ad hoc committee

Purpose:  To consider and review all activities of Mott airport including the feasibility of municipal solar farm or public/private partnership of same, new business park.

Councilmembers:  Deutsch, Lucchesi
Meets as needed


Purpose:  To liaison with the Sheriff’s Departmentin charge of overseeing contract with Sheriff’s department and to negotiate MOU
Councilmembers: Lucchesi, Bryan
Meets: Quarterly


Purpose is to represent City and report back findings and recommendations to the City Council.

League of Local Agencies (LOLA)

Purpose:  Mayor’s select committee makes appointments of Councilmembers to serve on County Boards/Commissions representing City interests, LOLA meets in open session to discuss Countywide concerns of cities.
Councilmembers:  Lucchesi, Mayor Bryan
Staff:  City Manager

Regional Integrated Waste Management Council

Purpose:  Consider solid waste and recycling matters often to seek compliance with State mandates.  
Integrated Solid Waste Management Regional Agency (Regional Agency), for a unified effort to reduce the amount of solid waste disposed in permitted disposal facilities.
Councilmember: Lucchesi
Staff: City Manager

Meets as called

IRWMP (Integrated Regional Water Management Plan)

Purpose:  To attend RWMG, TAC, and other meetings and oversee city’s participation in concert with other governmental and non-governmental agencies and tribes
Councilmembers:  none
Staff:  City Manager an/or Finance Director

Meets on call of IRWMP Board and TAC chairperson

Collier Interpretive and Information Center (CIIC)

Purpose: The Collier Interpretive and Information Center Is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) that was created to support the Collier Rest Area as an informational/cultural/tourism interpretive center.  The 10 members of the JPA Board of Directors are appointed by the participating cities and agencies.

Dunsmuir representative: vacant

Meets: Fourth Tuesday of each month.

SCORE (Small Cities Organized Risk Effort)

Purpose:  To participate in SCORE quarterly meetings to discuss risk management and insurance issues, pooled risk and financial information.
Board member:  City Manager
Alternate member:  Finance Director

Neighborhood Watch

Purpose:  To attend monthly meetings of Neighborhood Watch in Dunsmuir
Councilmembers:  Deutsch
Staff:  Sheriff’s Department representative


Purpose: To review and approve applications for business and residential loans funded by CDBG and program income.

Citizen members: Len Foreman, Marc Rowely

Staff: City Manager and Finance Director

Meets on call in CLOSED executive session


Purpose:  A county committee dedicated to maintaining land use surrounding Dunsmuir Mott Airport
Councilmember:  Lucchesi

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo)

Purpose:  To represent the City of Dunsmuir and other cities of Siskiyou County in considering planning matters that affect County and Cities.
Councilmember:   (appointed by LOLA)

Meets second Tuesday of the month

Siskiyou County Local Transportation Commission

Purpose:  To review and approve matters related to transportation and street needs throughout Siskiyou County and its Cities often involving grant funding.  Membership is three Supervisors and three City representatives with one city alternate.
Councilmember:  Deutsch, appointments are made by LOLA
Staff:  City Manager, Public Works Supervisor attend TAC meetings

  • Commission meets first Tuesday of the month.

  • TAC meets as called.


Mayor and Council appoint citizens to serve and represent City and report to City Council.

Dunsmuir Recreation and Parks District, Board of Directors

Three appointments/members:  Ellen McArron, Rami White, Kate O’Grady

Term: 4yrs, Term expires June 2028