You may have noticed that the water in the drainage that passes by homes on Castle Ave, under the Theater, and eventually under Wheelhouse and out to the Sacramento River has stopped flowing.
So where did the water go?
To answer that question, we first need to answer this one. Where did the water come from?
Most of the water in that drainage came from a Water Tank built in 1902. The Tank had been providing water to parts of Dunsmuir for over 100 years and was designed to overflow to accommodate the large volumes of spring water that flow through the City's Water System.
About five years ago, the City of Dunsmuir received a compliance order from the Division of Drinking Water with the California State Water Resource Control Board. The order required the City to make physical improvements to the water system, including installing an emergency chlorination system to ensure that the City could treat the water if an incident contaminated our water supply.
So, where did the water go?
The City had to replace the Water Tank from 1902 with a new tank to adhere to the latest state standards and bring us into compliance with the order. The new tank may occasionally overflow but will no longer continually overflow, which is why the drainage is now dry.