Dunsmuir Firewise

As of June 2024, the City of Dunsmuir is working to get the entire Dunsmuir Fire District, from the Shasta County Line to the Dunsmuir Airport Firewise Certified!

This is exciting news because, under new state law, insurance companies must give homeowners a discount on the wildfire portion of their home insurance premiums if they live in a Firewise Community. Discount amounts will vary, but if you have the Fair Plan, you’ll receive a 10% discount just for becoming a Firewise Community!

But, before we can become a Firewise Community, we have to show community buy-in and support; the city can’t do it alone. Here’s how you can help.

Tell us what you’ve already done!

Did you trim up your bushes and trees? Clean out your gutters? Chop down a tree? The hours you spent keeping your yard fire safe all count towards the community's yearly requirement we have to hit to become and maintain Firewise Community status.

It isn’t just the hours you spend, either. Money spent also counts, like hiring someone to remove a big tree or having a contractor put fire-resistant siding on your home.

If you’ve done any of this work, big or small, we want to know about it. Click the Firewise Form below to tell us about your hard work and help us be Firewise Certified!

For a full list of what work counts towards our yearly goal, click here!

defensible space

Visit (click here) for the latest CalFire recommendations on actions you can take to defend and protect your home from wildfire.

Become a Neighborhood Captain!

So far, we have about 10 Neighborhood Captains, and our goal is 20, but the more, the merrier! Neighborhood Captains will help us spread information about wildfire-specific events and collect information about who’s done wildfire mitigation work each year so we can count it towards the yearly quota that we have to hit to remain compliant. Neighborhood Captains can always get more involved and help us put on wildfire events, too, but this is not a requirement.

Neighborhood Captains are essential to help us become and maintain Firewise Community status so we all can get a home insurance discount for the work we already do to be wildfire-safe.

If you are interested in becoming a Neighborhood Captain, email Stephen Decatur at or call 530-235-4822.