Weekly report April 22, 2016

City Manager

Having computer problems being looked at by ACME.

Attended Finance Committee meeting and made presentation of water/wastewater/solid waste review and expenses for 2010-2015 (where the money came from and where it went). Presentation will be repeated at the May 5 City Council meeting.

Met with various individual to discuss various issues.

Doctor appointment Tuesday afternoon.

Met with Mayor and Council members at various times but never with more than two at one time.

Met with Railroad Depot Museum members to discuss the lack of support from Amtrak and the need for a new roof.

Attended City Council meeting on Thursday evening.

Attended the Brewfest Committee meeting (first time).

Worked on making adjustment to the part-time Assistant Utility Billing Clerk/Receptionist employment request to the City Council.

Worked on 2015-2016 budget.

Worked on various issues concerning airport hangar damage; public records request; code enforcement and council agenda items.

Attended meeting on the safety element of the General Plan with Fire Chief, City Planner and CAL-Fire.


Public Works

Completed weed trimming Dunsmuir Ave Central on/off ramp; Florence loop and Dunsmuir Ave.

Pulled weeds out of planter boxes on Pine Street

Cleaned north City Hall parking lot.

Clean staircase Shasta Ave to Dunsmuir Ave.

Rebuilt bench at Tauhindauli Park

Spray Herbicide - Oak Street to High School hill; south Dunsmuir Ave hill to bus stop.

Read Meters

Removed graffiti, Butterfly Bridge, Sacrament Ave wall, Central I-5 crossings.

Mow lawns

Swept streets.

Big fish meeting 4/19

Marked out paint/strip Sacramento Ave. leased parking lot, strip ½ of Amtrak parking lot.

Removed plow framework from #400 and 401.

Remove Ivy/debris from sidewalk between Sacramento and Walnut.

Hansen Electric installed form for new concrete pedestal base at Florence Loop.  Should be poured 4/22 or early next week.

Met with Melissa Cummings and Scott Billingsley (Siskiyou County Transportation) 4/20. Reviewed and are looking at improving existing stage bus stops and possibly moving a few existing sites to new locations. Ms. Cummings will be sending a complete report within the next two or three weeks.



Contractor installing 5” water main on Bush Street and Mountain Ave.

Had 30 water disconnects for non-payment on Monday.

Had sewer lateral issue over the weekend (April 16/17) on a Pine Street house.  Owner was called and waiting for a return call to discuss the problem and remedies.

Located sewer main on top of Bush Street and Mountain Avenue for contractor to install new 2” line.

Finished locating sewer main on south end of Schearer Ave where contractors will be digging next week (April 25-29).

Reading Water Meters on Thursday and Friday.

Pump station and lift stations were checked.

Plant operations, testing and maintenance done.


Community Services Officer

Worked on two abatements.

Removed and collected all citywide cleanup posters.

Investigated a complaint of a red car abandoned on Shasta Ave.

Trash picked up with road kill at various locations.

Began taking pictures with high grass and weeds with certified letters sent out.  This is a lengthy process due to the number of code violations.


Fire Department

Responded to 10 dispatches:

(5) EMS calls.

(1) Structure fire

(1) Public assist.

(2) Other type fires.

(1) Haz-Mat.

Weekly training consisted of ground ladder and aerial ladder evolutions.

All equipment and apparatus are in good working order.

Reviewed and entered run reports into computer.

Attended meeting on the safety element of the General Plan with City Manager, City Planner and CAL-Fire.

Attended meeting with CAL-Trans to discuss potential impacts of traffic problems on I-5 in the Dunsmuir area due to the next phase of the Antler Bridge construction.

Job Announcements

We are announcing the opening of two new positions for the City of Dunsmuir.

Assistant Utility Billing Clerk
Utility Maintenance Operator-In-Training

Applicants that are interesting in applying for the positions must download and fill out the application and either hand deliver to Dunsmuir City Hall or mail to:

Dunsmuir City Hall
ATTN: City Manager
5915 Dunsmuir Avenue
Dunsmuir, CA 96025

Big Fish Opening Day


It originally was on the last Saturday of every April to start the Opening Day of World-Class Fly-Fishing on the upper Sacramento River. Now with fishing allowed all year, this day is celebrated with our annual Fisherman’s Breakfast Opener at the Dunsmuir Fire Station.

It’s time once again to wade the crystal clear and cool waters of the Sacramento River as the days lengthen and the weather turns warm. The City and Dunsmuir Chamber will put forth the Dunsmuir Big Fish Program to strengthen the lure for travelers to enjoy the planted trophy trout as they find pockets in the deep cuts to spend their days of summer. 

April 30, 2016 is the day to enjoy the Fisherman’s Breakfast will be put on by the Dunsmuir/Castella Fire Department and there will also be a demonstration by Brian Wilson, on the technique of “catch and release” with trout from our local hatchery. A representative from Fish and Game may be present to answers any questions and explain any new regulations that are in effect. 

Thanks to El Nino’, it has improved the water levels with a snowpack close to historical average and is at 106% of normal water content, (March 2016), reflecting plenty of cold water. Whereas the drought has impacted California, the area around Dunsmuir, California, is looking very good. 

It also helps to know that the Upper Sac is spring fed from deep below Mt. Shasta with melted glacier water. It pools into Lake Siskiyou, behind the city of Mt. Shasta, where it is held by 209-feet deep Box Canyon Dam which produces 5.5 megawatts of electricity. The river emerges as a freestone stream with boulders which create pockets for the fish to thrive in highly oxygenated holding water.

There is easy river access and parking for the public at the Dunsmuir City Park and Tauhindauli Park.  Other locations are near the numerous bridges at Scarlett Way, River, Butterfly, Scherrer and Financial Avenues and on down to Sweetbriar.  Most businesses have free fishing maps for visitors.  Visitors can rent or purchase gear and hire guides for instruction.  Everything is here for a quality experience learning about fishing on the Upper Sac, including lots of fresh air.

Bob Grace, proprietor of the iconic Ted Fay Fly Shop says, “Dunsmuir is putting their hard earned dollars into your fun, stocking extra fish so you’ll have a great time visiting in Dunsmuir.”

Visit the Dunsmuir Trophy Trout Facebook page.  You can see what others have caught and add your own trophy selfie to the timeline.

Accommodations and Amenities

Dunsmuir is famous for its restaurants from upscale Mediterranean to California cuisine and on to pizza, burgers, Asian, brew pub and more.  Motels and vacation rentals abound.  Find more information at the Dunsmuir.com website.

Castle Avenue

On Saturday, April 16th, 2016 a request was made to the Dunsmuir Fire Department to respond to a possible hazardous material scenario with the assistance of Mount Shasta Fire Department. Fire crews quickly determined that the incident scene would need to escalate the the local HAZMAT response team with SCHMRT, the Shasta Cascade Hazardous Materials Response Team from that level they contacted the Siskiyou County Environmental Health Officer, Rick Dean.

Rick Dean has been working at the property and has informed Chief Padilla that the case is now being handled by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Yesterday Rick Dean and the California Environmental Protection Agency representative Nancy McGee. Ms. McGee arrived with a private contractor to evaluate the building and the grounds, their findings were the upstairs unit had an high levels of Mercury in the unit from amalgamation of gold or other ores. The amalgamation processes is used frequently by gold recoverers and is not linked with operations of fabricating methamphetamines. Due to this process being done both inside and outside it has mandated a HAZ-MAT clean-up of the residence, and surrounding property.

In addition to the mercury in the upstairs unit of the home, there was a detectable amount of Mercury in the downstairs unit requiring clean-up as well.  The unit and the building has been secured since Saturday April 16 at approximately 4:45pm when the Dunsmuir Fire Department was dispatched.  Chief Padilla reviewed the actions of the fire department with regards to proper notifications and concluded that were made at the time of dispatch and can find no issues of neglect or incompetence from his fire personnel.

Today, Robert Wise, the Federal EPA officer landed in Redding and is currently surveying the residence of 5807 Castle Ave, awaiting the arrival of his clean-up crew, to begin steps to mitigate the situation. The two tenants of Apartment B were initially taken to a Motel in Dunsmuir, then to Mount Shasta and finally they are in a Motel in Weed. Robert expects to be at scene for approximately 4-5 days while cleanup efforts are underway. Robert has stated that charges are pending at a federal level for negligence. Neighbors in the immediate vicinity will be visited to inform of the status of the project and what to expect.

Side Pointers
- This poses no threat to Dunsmuir's water system.
- The house and surrounding area should not be visited by any unauthorized persons.
- The individuals mostly affected were the tenants of the building.

If you would like more information about this incident, please feel free to call City Hall.

Weekly Staff Report April 15, 2016

City Manager

Worked on staff reports and resolutions for City Council agenda for April 21st.

Worked on County road permit for adult soapbox race.

Worked on obtaining city credit card and other banking items.

Held meeting with entire staff on 4/13/16.

Worked on budget and a transparency project.

Preparing for presentation to the City Finance committee meeting on 4/18.

Met with Sam Lanier and Richard Dinges on various topics and how GIS can help city.

Met with Arthur Boyd on recycling in city office and attended County Solid Waste Management meeting 4/14/16.

Met with Castle Rock Water concerning several issues.

Met with other customers concerning utility billing.

Made several inquiries concerning annual CalRecycle grant ($5,000) annually.

Talked with another Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) organization Home Energy Renovation Opportunities (HERO) through Western Riverside Council of Governments.  This will be on the 5/5 Council meeting.

Talked with Building Official concerning residents that turned single family homes into multi-family homes without a permit.


Public Works

Big Fish Meeting.

Normal Maintenance

Sweep town

Check, clean drain’s

Weed eat Sacto Ave. across from Dogwood Diner

Replace tie down chains at airport

Place parts order for paint sprayer, Service painter sprayer

Prep work on #402 for street painting

Cover graffiti, repaint guard rail on Sacramento Ave.

Talked with Terry Hansen (Hansen Electric), they should be starting on Florence Loop Street light base replacement next week.

Mow lawns

Received new garbage cans for downtown – install next week.

Replace ballast at City Hall (863)

Unplug sewer at Amtrak Depot (863)

Replaced 3 Dogwood trees (2 on Sacto Ave., 1 at Hedge Creek (863)

Staff Meeting 4/13



Installed a 2” bypass waster line on Bush Street so R.A.Martin Construction can start digging to replace the 6” water main.

Had new front brakes installed on truck 303.

Replaced dash instrumentation panel in truck 300.

Staff meeting on Wednesday 8:00 am

Meeting with Keith from PACE Engineering and R.A. Martin Construction about digging trench on Bush St to replace water main and have run into some large roots from the trees and we are discussing possible solutions.

Repair water service leak 5900 block of Castle Ave.

Replace curb stop and meter box on Grover St and pour concrete sidewalk back around meter box.

Had fit test on Wednesday at fire station for plant employees breathing apparatus.

Checked main holes in sewer system in problem areas.  All were fine.

All plant testing, operations and maintenance was completed

Ducks and Geese are starting to nest at plant, and all is well with them.

Getting job description prepared for future Operator In Training at treatment plant.


Community Services Officer

Picked up trash and dead animals.

City wide cleanup and rabies clinic were posted around the city.

Called dog owners with expired rabies vaccinations or due within a year.

Impounded a dog that was at-large at the Dunsmuir Brewery. Owner was found and paid impound fee.

Abatement on 4110 Branstetter Street.


Fire Department

Responded to 17 dispatches:

6 – EMS calls

2 – Structure fires

6 – Public Assists

3 – Other type fires.

Weekly training consisted of FIT testing of fire personnel and flow testing of all self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

All equipment and apparatus are in good working order

Reviewed and entered run reports into computer

Participated in the monthly fire drill at Dunsmuir Elementary

Attended CSA#3 meeting, report to follow.

New City Council Member

Congratulations to Dunsmuir's newest City Council Member Mari C. Shanta.  She was appointed to the City Council on April 8, 2016 to fill the vacancy of Nick Syrrist who resigned in February.  Her term will expire November 2016.  We look forward to all that Ms. Shanta will bring to the table.

Weekly Report April 8, 2016

City Manager

-Met with PACE Engineering to strategize existing and future projects based on the Water and Sewer Master Plans.

-Attended Airport meeting, and County Transportation Commission meeting.

-Conference call on Housing Element with California Housing and Community Development. It was a good meeting and minimal changes but nothing with substantial changes.

-Worked on 2016-17 Budget.

-Prepared agenda items for City Council meeting April 21, 2016.

-Met with Mayor and Council Members but not at the same time.

-Met with several members of the public.

-Worked on Code Enforcement issues.

-Worked on website, facebook and twitter sites.

-Researched assistance with educational institutions to assist with developing a Park Master Plan.

-Conversation with City Attorney over non-litigation issues.


Public Works

-Turn on fountains – downtown, Hedge Cr., Belnam (adjust-repair).

-Turn on/check water systems at Hedge Cr., Children’s Park, Florence Loop, repair valves, water leakes (sacto Dogwoods, Caboose Park included)

-Complete mail work request for CDF crew (Frontage Rd. project)

-Re-set pavers across from Dogwood Diner.

-Repair 90 degree corrugated pipe on Elinore Ave.

-Swept city (4/4-4/8)

-Weed eat Dunsmuir Ave. Lower Cedar to Spring Street (both sides)

-Repair separator curtain on 411.

-Filed Notam for Airport beginning 8:00 am 4/8 and ending 5:00 pm 5/6 for segmented circle repairs.

-Order repair parts for valve 422.

-Contacted Cut Above 4/7, for tree work throughout city.  Will be here 4/21, 4/22, 4/25 and week of May 2-6.

-Start work on segmented circle at airport.

-Mow lawns.



-Unscheduled power outage on Sunday that caused issues with the transfer switch at the lift station.

-The generators and transfer switches at Shasta Retreat and S. Dunsmuir lift stations. This required assistance from Diversified Electric to resolve the issue.

-Met with PACE, City Manager and Finance Director to discuss construction items and funding from the Master Sewer Plan.

-Met with City Manager and Public Works Supervisor to discuss new employee concerns.

-Removed snow tires from truck 303.

-Found broken idler arm on aerator #1 during weekly plant maintenance, made repairs.

-Flushed all dead ends in water system and replaced screens on the air relief valves.

-Met with R.A. Martin Construction to discuss the water line replacement on Bush St. to start April 11.

-Dennis attended wastewater treatment test prep class M-W. Test is on Saturday 4/11

-All plant testing and maintenance was completed with the help of Jessica from PACE Engineering.


Community Services Officer

-Working on two properties that have various code violations.

-Posted fliers for the Rabies Clinic.

-Training with City Manager in regards to handling complaints.

-Picked up a TV that was abandon on city property.

-Provided informational flyer to tenants concerning burn rules.

-Patrolled city looking for code violation.


Fire Department

-For the period, the department responded to (20) dispatches:  (10) EMS calls, (1) Structure fire,

(1) Traffic accident, (1) Haz Mat. (5) Other type fires.

-Weekly training consisted of station/equipment maintenance and ground ladder training

-All equipment and apparatus are in good working order.

-Reviewed and entered run reports into computer. All reports sent to the California State Fire Marshalls office for the 1st quarter of 2016

-Conducted (1) residential sprinkler inspection

-Chief Padilla was on vacation March 24 through April 1


Our Waterfalls and the Public

It's no secret that Dunsmuir is home to two beautiful waterfalls in Siskiyou County and we pride ourselves on the fact that our waterfalls showcase The Best Water on Earth! However, only one of our waterfalls is open to the public.

Open year round, Hedge Creek Falls is a short walk from Interstate 5, Dunsmuir Avenue and other public roads. We encourage all to visit and see the beautiful cave that allows viewers to walk behind the cascading water.


Our second waterfall is our treasured Mossbrae Falls that currently is closed to the public. Approximately 50 feet tall, and 175 feet wide it is fed by the same source of water that the City of Dunsmuir receives from a spring above the falls. Mossbrae Falls remains closed for two reasons; currently the only access is by trespassing on private property that does not belong to the City of Dunsmuir and finally the safety concerns of Union Pacific, and people walking along side active railways.

Currently, the only way to visit the falls is by trespassing on Union Pacific Property or by trespassing on Saint Germain Foundation Property. Both parties along side with the City of Dunsmuir have expressed their extreme discouragement of visitors on either properties to access Mossbrae Falls. 

But there is hope! The City of Dunsmuir is working actively to secure properties, easements, and other legal agreements to give the public access. Headed previously by numerous City Officials, and currently by Vice Mayor Craig and Mayor Spurlock, they are working with the Mount Shasta Trail Association to give access to the public. Visitors that continue to disregard the request of the Union Pacific, and Saint Germain Foundation only cause more delays with negotiations.

Another topic that is of particular interest of hikers is the Mossbrae Falls water source which also feeds the City of Dunsmuir. Rumored to be home of Lemurians, or other protectors of Mount Shasta are the most common misconceptions of the spring. Our response is a lot simpler, and strait forward; It is an access to the water source is which provides water to our water fountains, restaurants, businesses, residents and for the Union Pacific. Because it plays an important part in delivering water, and providing sustainability, it is in the City's best interest to limit who has access to it. 

In the previous year, trespassers broke into the springs and put the entire water system at risk of contamination which would cost thousands of dollars to cleanse, and test our water system to make sure the quality of water remains Home of the Best Water on Earth. As a result, new gates have been constructed adding an additional level of security. 

The City of Dunsmuir takes pride in our water and protecting our customers water quality. The Public Works Department and the Siskiyou County Sheriff's Department regularly monitor and patrol surrounding areas to report and prosecute any trespassers.

We are hopeful that soon we can open Mossbrae Falls to the public for all to enjoy it's beauties. Until then, we ask that no one trespass on private property to access either Mossbrae Falls, or our water source.

If you would like to know more about our waterfalls, please feel free to contact us, or visit the Chamber of Commerce. For questions regarding the water system, or springs please contact City Hall.

Weekly Report April 1, 2016

Weekly Report from Staff April 1, 2016

City Manager

-Attended Big Fish, met with Mike Rodriguez on the Community Center remodel project.

-Worked on Economic Development and City Council agenda items.

-Responded to several inquiries and questions from the public.

-Met with Mayor and council members but not at the same time to discuss various topics.

-Received resignation email from the City Clerk.

-Left early on Tuesday as I wasn’t feeling well and half day on Wednesday (afternoon).

-Worked from noon until Economic Development meeting at 6:00 pm on Thursday.

-Attended SCORE training for Blood Borne Pathogen


Public Works

-Continue pothole repairs around town

-Turn on water at fountains

-Mowed lawns

-Load metal – oil, to dump for recycling

-Start paperwork (863) for roadside maintenance project on Frontage Road. Bottling plant north to City Limits (CDF crew).  Roughly ¾ mile of work on South bound and north bound sides. We will do a 6 to 8 foot clearance on the south bound side.

-Contact Verdin clock about repairing our downtown clock. We should have an estimate back in 3 to 5 days for cost.

-Working with Hansen Electric at Florence Loop Street pole base replacement. Hopefully start date of 4/9/16.

-Request permission for striping parking lot across from 5819 Sacramento Ave. We are leasing it and probably should get it done right.  It will have 25 parking stalls including 3 handicap (2 van accessible, 1 reg) U.P. signs will have to be removed from poles in regards to U.P. parking only. Estimate 10 gallons white paint ($125), 4 gallons handicap blue.  I would also like to do the Amtrak parking lot at the same time. All labor-in house.

-Remove snow plows from 410 and 403

Order valve stack parts for grader, order triplex segmented circle paint for airport.

-Install (2) new “Fido” house’s.



-Worked on 8” main valve on Pine and Castle but were unable to make repair so we are going to remove the valve and put on an end plate.  Valve is no longer needed. Parts are on order.

-Replace service valve at 5856 River Ave. New meter box also installed.

-Went to herbicide spray safety class so we can spray weed killer. Locate and dug up main valve on Hazel Street that has covered over. New valve box installed.

-R.A.Martin Construction called and would like to start the water line replacement on Bush St. on April 11. We will be installing a 2” bypass line so they can replace the main line in the present trench.

-Attended blood borne pathogen safety meeting at city hall.

- Work on state reports for wastewater treatment plant.

-Weekly check on lift stations, pump station and springs and all are in good shape.

-Daily testing at plant done and plant maintenance as well.


Community Services Officer

Covered graffiti.

Cars are being monitored in the Historical District for the three hour parking.

Sent registered letter and the landowner has called me. This is regarding a six foot fence that is out of compliance.

Certified letter was sent and received on Branstetter.


Fire Department

Illegal campfire

Electrical Hazamat

Traffic collision

5 – Medical calls

Training – apparatus maintenance

Weekly Report from City Staff March 25, 2016

City Manager

Created a facebook and twitter account for the City.  Updated the website; City Manager profile, placed several items in the news section. 

Attended a community engagement workshop in Weed, March 23rd from 3 – 8 pm.

Worked on budget, finalizing job descriptions, responded to Leslie Wilde’s public records request, reviewing Program Income Reuse Plan, submitted authorization for Mike Martin to forward Housing Element to HCD for review, discussed with SCORE a claim submitted by a resident, worked on Code Enforcement issues, rode around the community with SGT Rees, March 24th 6 – 8 pm, working on asbestos removal funding (contacting railroad and EPA)

Met with Mike Rodriguez and Tim Holt and discussed the sales tax for the Library and Recreation District.

Spoke with Mayor Spurlock and Council members Keisler and Deutch on various issues separately.

Holding a meet and confer with Union representative Art Frolli and Dennis Della Bona to discuss the new job descriptions and pay scale.

Looked at the Water Rights file.  We have documents dating back to 1911 and the city does own the water rights.

Worked on council agenda items from the March 17th council meeting; Water rights, committee meeting dates.  Worked on several issues for the April 7th council meeting.

Working on a very detailed spreadsheet details for water, wastewater and solid waste on revenue and expenditures (where the money went) 2010 to 2015.


Public Works

Sweep town, garbage, Clean Tauhendauli, continue sign replacement and mow lawns,

Clean/repair drainage problem on River Ave.

Repair plumbing at Amtrak Station (sink)

Talked to Melissa Cummings (Siskiyou County Transportation) about current stage bus stops.  Will meet with her at 8:00 am April 20 and discuss new possible locations for stops.

Clean drainage/limb branches trees on Hart & Gill.

Install Pine Street sign, install “Fido” house at cemetery, install new “fido” house at Hedge Cr. Falls.

863 read meters 3/24 and 3/25.

Attempted to contact CALTRANS about property on Freeway Ave, no reply yet. (drainage issues)

Talked with CED (Rich Friebel) about Florence Loop light.  We will have to have a new base put in estimated cost $1,500.  Will set date as soon as I hear back from contractor.

Continue to work on budget.



Finished budget project list for 2016-17 budget.

Purged all wells in prep for Thursday 1st Quarter test cycle.

Trees were cut on Pine St. and Castle Ave just above the water leak location. Trees were cut for crew safety because we need to dig into the hillside below them to make repairs.

Water meter reading was done, Wed. Thur. and Fri.

Thursday was large testing day for treatment plant. River samples, effluent monthly, effluent 1st quarter and well 1st quarter samples were all taken.

All lift stations and pump station were checked and cleaned.

Springs were checked and are fine.

All routine plant testing and maintenance was also done.


Community Services Officer

Made copies for a public records request.

Security check was done on the Airport along with replacing the envelope box.

Code enforcement was done on a vehicle on Branstetter St.

Working on nuisance abatement properties.

Found a dog at large and was adopted out.


Fire Department

2 – medical responses

1 – traffic collision

1 – flue fire

Joint training with Mt. Shasta Ambulance – use of new gurney

City Manager Weekly Update 3/18/2016

Weekly Report from Staff March 18, 2016


City Manager

Met with Monte Mendenhall – Pacific Power, Community and Economic Development Manager; Mr. Lewy Dewey, Jim Cook, Leslie Wilde, Jose and Angeline of Castle Rock Water; Vince Reinig of Northalnd and others.

Met with entire staff on 3/16; attended Rotary, Dunsmuir Professional Network, Chamber of Commerce mixer meetings.

Worked on several issues; Code Enforcement, rode around with Code Enforcement Officer, City Council agenda items, Butterfly bridge project, job descriptions, Water Rights License annual report, City-wide clean-up day looks like it will be May 21st at the Community Center, budget 2016-17, trying to locate funding for the asbestos abatement, and others.

Responded to several requests.


Public Works

Normal maintenance, clean drains, rod pipes that had “plug” issues

Minor damage issue on Simpson Ave. – repaired

Contacted Jeff at Dunsmuir HS about small hillside slides in their parking area.  Looks like possibly some drainage issues above where slides occurred.  They will be having an engineer take a look at it.

Contacted John Poston (Diversified Electric) about Florence Loop street light. One of the pedestal base bolts has been broken during attempted installation. Entire concrete base will now have to be removed and replaced with new concrete base and support bolts. John will be sending us a new price proposal, this may eventually have to go out to bid.

Contracted Phil Miller (FAA) about sending us a simplified version of the “7:1” transitional approach for tree removal project west of Mott Airport (for inclusion in bid packets).

Working on locating a “Valve stack” for our 1980 J.D. grader dealer is currently trying to locate thru a “vintage” parts outlet.

Cleaned out South City Hall parking lot, mowed lawns (863)

Began replacing street signs around that are faded, damaged or no longer meet “reflectivity” standards (state).

Swept airport

Contacted cut above tree service, they will be doing some work for the Water Dept. next week and will be back the week of 3/28 to resume tree removal project.

863 Water Dept. assist on 3/17



Plant effluent being discharged to river discharge site due to heavy rainfall and ponds being full.

Had problems over the weekend due to equipment failure at plant. Issues were resolved.

#2 Filter effluent pump was not working for unknown reasons, so we ended up pulling the pump and found impeller was seized for some reason, but we were able to free it and pump ran fine.  It has been running for two days with no problems.

Met with Jim Elkins from PACE engineering in regards to the new Fire Hydrants needed for Dollar General Store and Hydrants will be as they are on the set of plans. The City will replace the old hydrant to the south of the store location. That hydrant has been on our current replacement list.

Repaired road on Grover St. where we repaired a service leak. Concrete sidewalk will be repaired as weather permits to pour concrete.

Still working on Hazardous Material Business plan for Shasta County as time allows.

Relocate Composite Machine to River discharge effluent samples.

Prepping for end of month and end of quarter effluent, plant wells and river locations sites for next Tuesday.

Weekly inspection of springs, pump station, storage tanks and lift stations were done and all are OK.

All daily plant testing and maintenance was done.

As time allows have been working towards Budget preparation.


Community Services Officer

Made several patrols of the city, one with the City Manager.  Picked up trash, and new abatement issues.

Met with the City Manager and discussed what he expects for the abatement process.

Finalizing packet for abatement at 6117 Elinor Ave.

Found a dog at large with no identity chip and complaint of a stray cat that was caught with the animal trap.  Cat will have a new home today.


Fire Department

Responded to 10 dispatches: 2 EMS calls, 1 Structure fire, 4 Traffic accidents, 1-Public assists and 2 Haz Mat.

Weekly training consisted of medical physical evaluations.

All equipment and apparatus are in good working order.

Reviewed and entered run reports into computer.

Met with Julie Titus and Dunsmuir Fire Safety Council to review Community Wildfire Plan Program (CWPP). The group met to review a working map of existing fuels treatments to ensure past projects are included and accurate in their locations. We also did some collaborative draft-work for future vegetation work; building upon existing treatment and identifying potentially effective new areas as proposals for the action plan.

Met with PACE engineering to review Dollar General Plans

Attended City staff meeting.

Power Outage

Pacific Power is planning a service outage due to substation maintenance on April 2nd, 2016 from 7AM to 4PM. The outage will affect 569 customers from the I-5 River crossing, north to the Mott Airport.

Any questions you can contact Pacific Power at 888-221-7070.

Embracing Social Media

This is the first message of many more to follow beginning the initiative of Dunsmuir, CA City Hall being as transparent as possible. Transparency in government is very important.  The more transparent a government agency is the more the people will be of trusting that agency.  The less transparent a government agency is the less trusting the people will be of that agency. 

City Hall in Dunsmuir, CA will do its utmost to ensure transparency practiced each and every day.  There are issues that require confidentiality, especially personnel matters, negotiations and litigation. If there is something going on at City Hall you will probably hear it first here on this Facebook page.

The City Manager of Dunsmuir, CA, heard at the March 17, 2016 City Council meeting that the people want to know where the money went for the Water and Wastewater rate hikes went.  We are working on that request and hope to have it ready for the City Council meeting in the near future.

Water Rate Comparison

Below is a breakdown of some common rate usage scenarios and how water bills will be affected by the proposed new rates for year one. This comparison assumes a 5/8 inch meter, which is what 96% of users have.

Note: 1 Unit = 750 gallons

Current Rates

  • Base Rate = $26
  • Allocation = 10 Units
  • Structure: Declining tiers with units 11-40 costing $2.92 per unit.

Proposed New Rates - Year 1

  • Base Rate = $28.80
  • Allocation = 5 Units
  • Structure: Flat rate with all units above 5 costing $2.10 per unit.

Scenario One: 5 Unit User

A user uses 5 units of water in a month. Under the current rates, this user would pay a $26 base rate plus 0 units at $2.92 per unit for a total water bill of $26. Under the new proposed rate structure this user would pay the base rate of $28.80 plus 0 units at $2.10 per unit for a total water bill of $28.80. For this user, moving to the new rates would produce a $2.80 per month.


Total Water Bill = $26


Total Water Bill = $28.80

Scenario Two: 10 Unit User

A user uses 10 units of water in a month. Under the current rates, this user would pay a $26 base rate plus 0 units at $2.92 per unit for a total water bill of $26. Under the new proposed rate structure this user would pay the base rate of $28.80 plus 5 units at $2.10 per unit for a total water bill of $39.30. For this user, moving to the new rates would produce a $13.30 per month increase.

Current Rates

Total Water Bill = $26

Proposed New Rates - Year 1

Total Water Bill = $39.30

Scenario Three: 15 Unit User

A user uses 15 units of water in a month. Under the current rates, this user would pay a $26 base rate plus 5 units at $2.92 per unit for a total water bill of $40.60. Under the new proposed rate structure this user would pay the base rate of $28.80 plus 10 units at $2.10 per unit for a total water bill of $49.80. For this user, moving to the new rates would produce a $9.20 per month increase.

Current Rates

Total Water Bill for 15 units = $40.60

Proposed New Rates - Year 1

Total Water Bill for 15 units = $49.80

Scenario Four: 20 Unit User

A user uses 20 units (15,000 gallons) of water in a month. Under the current rates, this user would pay a $26 base rate plus 10 units at $2.92 per unit for a total water bill of $55.20. Under the new proposed rate structure this user would pay the base rate of $28.80 plus 15 units at $2.10 per unit for a total water bill of $60.30. For this user, moving to the new rates would produce a $5.10 per month increase.


Total Water Bill for 20 units = $55.20


Total Water Bill for 20 units = $60.30

Scenario Five: 40 Unit User

A user uses 40 units (30,000 gallons) of water in a month. Under the current rates, this user would pay a $26 base rate plus 30 units at $2.92 per unit for a total water bill of $113.60. Under the new proposed rate structure this user would pay the base rate of $28.80 plus 35 units at $2.10 per unit for a total water bill of $102.30. For this user, moving to the new rates would produce a $11.30 per month decrease.


Total Water Bill for 40 units = $113.60


Total Water Bill for 40 units = $102.30

All 5 Scenarios - Full 5 Year Plan

5 Unit User

Year One: $26 to $28.80
Year Two: $28.80 to $31.60
Year Three: $31.60 to $34.40
Year Four: $34.40 to $37.20
Year Five: $37.20 to $40.00

10 Unit User

Year One - $26 to $39.30
Year Two - $39.30 to $42.60
Year Three - $42.60 to $45.90
Year Four - $45.90 to $49.20
Year Five - $49.20 to $52.50

15 Unit User

Year One: $40.60 to $49.80
Year Two: $49.80 to $53.60
Year Three: $53.60 to $57.40
Year Four: $57.40 to $61.20
Year Five: $61.20 to $65

20 Unit User

Year One - $55.20 to $60.30
Year Two - $60.30 to $64.60
Year Three - $64.60 to $68.90
Year Four - $68.90 to $73.20
Year Five - $73.20 to $77.50

40 Unit User

Year One - $113.60 to $102.30
Year Two - $102.30 to $108.60
Year Three - $108.60 to $114.90
Year Four - $114.90 to $121.20
Year Five - $121.20 to $127.50