Advertisement for Bids
Separate sealed bids for the constriction of the South Dunsmuir Water Main Replacement Project will be received at the office of Dunsmuir City Hall, 5915 Dunsmuir Ave., Dunsmuir, California until 2:00PM local time of February 8th, 2016 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read.
Please see our Advertisement for Bids by clicking HERE.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 12.18.2015
- Community Services Officer reports still calling dog owners where license has not been renewed; still assisting Public Works clearing storm drains, this week on Simpson Ave.; still training to operate public works mobile equipment if needed.
- All ordinances through 550 have been forwarded to Municipal Code Corporation with request to provide cost estimate to bring Dunsmuir City Code books current and update version on webpage.
- All office staff continue to work on parcel and customer lists for proposed Proposition 218 elections on water and solid waste rates. Interim City Manager has completed drafts of public hearing notices and forwarded for review by City Attorney.
- Water shut offs were completed this week and customers have come in to make payments and have water turned back on. This is the last billing cycle where partial payments will be allowed.
- It is asked that all remember that with snows here and more expected, snow plowing of streets will be done and those parked in the no parking areas when snow plowing starts will have vehicles towed.
- Public Works Supervisor reports crew continues to rod storm drains most recently on Dunsmuir Ave, Rose Ave, Grover St. and Hemlock; culverts were cleared on Clark St and north of Elementary School; streets were swept and broken limbs and branches picked up; apple tree trimmed out of public right of way at Siskiyou and Dunsmuir Ave; trees were trimmed, brush cleared and gutters cleaned on Vernie St; finished clearing Shasta Retreat drainage on Wednesday; had A Cut Above cut down Oak tree near theatre and next to veteran’s fountain, and also trimmed and removed dead branches from trees adjacent to the City rental at City Park; submitted first draft snow removal protocols for City Manager review; submitted first draft protocols for NOTAMS that may be needed for Mott airport when there is snow or other contamination on runway; finished servicing backhoe (#421); checked school routes, bridges and cindered as needed.
- Candace Miller and Arlene Dinges have agreed to work with Interim City Manager and Public Works Supervisor to develop a Street Tree program for the downtown. Research has begun and hopefully some form of report will be available in the near future. Some troublesome trees are being removed now and more are scheduled in the request for tree removal and trimming that has been sent out to bid. A list of appropriate trees is needed for replacements.
- Fire Chief reports department responded to 13 dispatches between 10th and 17th: 7 EMS calls; 1 traffic accident; 1 haz-mat; 1 public assist; 1 fire; 2 other type calls. Weekly training consisted of Emergency Vehicle operations; all equipment and apparatus were found to be in good working order; all run reports have been entered into computer; continued review and updating of City’s Emergency Operations plan; and conducted one commercial building inspection.
- Public Utilities Supervisor reports crew shut off water service line to UP and removed and repaired packing gland and installed new packing and retainer bolts and turned service back on; repaired Rose St. roadway where water leak fixed last week including base rock, backfill, blacktop and pressure washing the area to remove mud from roadway and gutter; there were 33 water shut offs and then turn ons when bills were then paid; took required samples from treatment plant to Basic Lab in Redding including monthly effluent sample, 4th quarter effluent sample, 4th quarter monitoring wells at plant samples, French drain and subsurface drain from plant sample, above the plant river hardness sample, and four drinking water samples to be tested for coliform; all lift stations were checked and cleaned; sewer manholes were checked; all routine plant testing and maintenance was completed.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 12.11.2015
- Public Works Supervisor reports crew provided snow removal on the 6th and at the airport on the 7th; set out cones and detour signs for Chamber event on the 5th; serviced pickup #400 and backhoe #421; repaired plow on #400, continued drainage clearing along Simpson Ave; street sweeping; cleaned out drop inlets along Dunsmuir Ave from Florence Loop to Cemetery; placed orders for base rock, sand and cinders; mailed request for proposals to remove and trim trees in the public right of way on the 10th.
- Interim City Manager obtained information on notifications needed at airport when snow or other obstacles are present; met with Lt. Hauffman from Sheriff’s Department and Assistant City Attorney regarding issues with Law Enforcement MOU; attended Planning Commission meeting on 9th; met with Assistant City Attorney to discuss possible sale of portion of Spruce Street no longer used as street and lease terms for Engine House; received confirmation from Shasta Community Foundation that check for $53,087 for improvements to Tauhindauli park is in the mail.
- Fire Chief reports department responded to 14 dispatches between the 3rd and 10th: 5 EMS calls; 1 traffic accident; 1 Haz-Mat; 2 fires; 5 other. Weekly training was on CPR recertification. All equipment and apparatus are in good working order. Reviewing and updating the City’s Emergency Operations Plan.
- Public Utilities Supervisor reports crew worked on broken 4” water main on Rose Street last Saturday evening; assisted with snow plowing; installed City radio in truck; reviewing draft construction plans for replacement of water mains in North and South Dunsmuir for project to be funded by IRWM grant; painting the inside of the aerobic digester pump building; flushed dead ends in water main lines; checked and cleaned all lift stations; completed weekly checks of sewer manholes; completed all sewer plant testing and performed some plant maintenance.
- Interim City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer are reviewing first drafts of complete notice and ballot for Proposition 218 election on proposed increases in water rates, and notice and ballot for proposed decreases in solid waste rates.
- Interim City Manager, Finance Director and office staff are collecting documents and preparing response to Public Records Act request.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 11.25.2015
- Public Works Supervisor reports continuing drainage and drain maintenance and cleaning; continued work on hangar supports at airport; contacted person who works on hangar doors at county airports and he will inspect doors at Mott airport around December 1; met with mason about fountain repairs and he will be forwarding bids fountain repair and sidewalk/curb repairs; installed plow framework on trucks 400, 401 and 404; three tree cutting companies called and requested to provide bids for removal of trees in the public right of way; unit 420 scheduled for hydraulic system service today; repaired light at City Hall; Clemens Waste Removal began removing remaining items from Engine House and should be completed later this week; received permission to use Spruce and Dunsmuir lot for snow storage; meter reading done on 23rd; Bryan will be on call beginning today and through midnight Dec 1.
- Official notice receive that Shasta Community Foundation has approved Dunsmuir grant request for $53,087 for work at Tauhindauli Park.
- Community Services Officer reports deer was found injured on City property south of Manfredi’s and put down by Sheriff Deputy. Deer was disposed of. Continued notifying all that cars need to be moved to allow for snow plowing. If still on roads when snow plowing occurs, tickets and possibly towing will follow.
- Interim City Manager attended airport committee meeting at which Carol Ford, new consultant for airport, was introduced. She reported she is working on grant application due by end of December for updating planning documents for Mott airport. Committee members are still working on getting trees on property to the west topped to meet FAA standards.
City Manager Recruitment
Dunsmuir is searching for it's next city manager. For more information view the official press release below.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 10.23.2015
- Hunter Communications has requested encroachment permit to install fiber optics cable from Siskiyou Avenue to Florence Loop. Their application is under review by City Engineer.
- Dunsmuir Association of Ratepayers and Taxpayers (DART) filed lawsuit against the City of Dunsmuir on October 15, served notice on October 16 and then requested new filing. New filing was done on October 21 and served on City October 21. New filing requests hearing in Superior Court on October 26. DART is asking Court to stop City of Dunsmuir from charging garbage rates adopted in 2004 and still being charged today.
- Fire Chief reports department responded to 8 dispatches: 2 traffic collisions; 1 structure fire; 2 EMS calls; 1 public assist; and 2 others. Weekly training was “confined space awareness” which is required course from California State Fire Marshall’s Office. Chief attended “Community Wide Wildfire Protection Plan” meeting sponsored by Dunsmuir Fire Safe Council on October 22.
- Finance consultant reports Department of Transportation for Airport maintenance has provided $10,000 for each of 2013/14 and 2014/15 fiscal years, another allotment will be received in spring for 2015/16 fiscal year. Work continues to final 2015/16 fiscal year budget. Auditors will start work on 2014/15 fiscal year report next Monday.
- Interim City Manager reports $53,087 has been requested for work at Tauhindauli Park. These moneys are administered by Shasta Community Foundation and are the interest proceeds from Cantara spill settlement. These moneys are also used to maintain the park. Next major project at park is installation of permanent bathroom facility.
- Administrative Secretary Julie Iskra has been seen in City Hall a few hours almost daily this week. She has helped out in several areas where her institutional memory has saved many hours of research. She is recovering well from knee replacement.
- Public Works Supervisor reports continuing efforts to clean out all storm drains, ditches and culverts. UP has cooperated by cleaning out both ends of culverts under tracks between Sacramento and Scherrer. Public Works crew supplemented by Community Services Officer are removing vegetation and accumulation of debris and silt where possible along Alder Creek. In addition, Public Works crew chipped brush piles at Tauhindauli Park, ordered new street light for damaged pole on Florence Loop, finished cutting new drainage at airport and grading safety areas, swept airport, started grinding lips on broken sidewalks in the downtown, arranged for County using their equipment to paint center line on Dunsmuir Ave, removed graffiti from Pine Street planter and garbage can lids, inventoried sandbags (over 2,000 plastic) and ordered a quantity of burlap sandbags, and determined sand stockpile to be adequate for winter.
City Manager's Report | 10.16.2015
- Fire Chief reports the department responded to 11 dispatches (1 traffic collision, 1 vegetation fire, 4 EMS calls, 2 public assist, and 3 others); weekly training consisted of station maintenance and equipment inventory; attended CSA#3 meeting (no new business to report); Fire Chief conducted two “Fire Safety Presentations at the local elementary school on Wednesday as part of fire prevention week. All equipment and apparatus in good working order.
- Public Works Supervisor reports street sweeping continues; all former occupants of Engine House contacted and asked to remove their property, what remaining will be removed by Clemens and taken to dump; met with Siskiyou County Public Works employee about needed painting at Mott airport; met with Native Grounds who removed vegetation from drainage system at Tauhindauli restoration project (park); graded drainage ditches at Mott airport; moved furniture out of Sheriff’s office so new carpeting could be installed; met with railroad representatives about cleaning out storm drain culverts under tracks to allow for water flows from Sacramento Street to Scherrer to river; continued removal of stored surplus items at shop.
- The majority of ditches and culverts have been cleared at Tauhindauli restoration project (park). This work was done by Native Grounds on Tuesday and Wednesday. The cut vegetation will be removed from the site by Public Works crew next week.
- Public Utilities Supervisor reports continuing work with contractor replacing water mains on Butterfly Avenue. New line was filled with water and pressure tested and passed. Line was then disinfected for 24 hours and then flushed and tested twice for coliform. The water main in this area will be shut off on Friday and new main connected and old service disconnected. All customers were notified in advance of the shutdown. Contractor also excavated the 12” main on Shasta Ave and Willow Street and determined correct size of gaskets to be replaced. Digging has also been done at Castle and Willow, and Shasta Terrace and Willow, to determine pipe depth for tie in. Water will be turned off on Shasta Avenue on Monday the 19thso the new tee and three new 12” valves can be installed. All customers have been notified that water will be turned off for approximately 5 hours from Spring Street and Shasta Avenue to Pine Street and Shasta Avenue. The sleeve under the Scherrer Avenue track crossing was also located on both sides of the track. All wastewater plant testing and operations were done on schedule and the plant is doing well. 62 water disconnects were done due to lack of payment. Those who then paid were turned back on.
- Community Services Officer reports he helped remove furniture from Sheriff’s substation to allow for installation of new carpet; provided security check at airport and surveyed the city; assisted water main replacement project by notifying property owners and tenants along Shasta Avenue of water shut offs that will occur; and later assisted in returning furniture to Sheriff’s substation after carpet installed.
- Consultant Finance Director arranged for Accounts Receivable module to be installed in Fund Balance bookkeeping system this week. This will allow for bills to be produced outside of utility billing module. There are several billings the City has been doing each month that can now be done automatically by computer. Both Pam and Elaine have been trained in the module and Julie will be trained when she returns. Starting next week Finance Director will be employing majority of work time to prepare reports needed for 2014-15 audit that will begin shortly.
- Airport committee has requested proposal from Ford Aviation Consulting for assistance in preparing grant applications and administering grants for work at Mott airport. City of Dunsmuir as airport “sponsor” is eligible for at least $150,000 a year.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 10.09.2015
- Shasta Community Foundation has accepted accounting for $10,500 grant previously received by Garden Club and closed that grant. Dunsmuir is advised that it can apply for just over $53,000 for further work at the restoration project, which amount should provide for maintenance and preliminary work on the permanent restroom.
- New carpeting will be installed next week in former Police area of Council Chambers building. It has been determined that monitor heaters cannot be repaired so new heaters will need to be installed.
- Public Works Supervisor is expecting bids to replace missing light near Florence Loop; beginning work for airport grading and drainage repairs; NOTAM issued for work adjacent to airport runway beginning 8am October 7 through October 23 at 5 pm; County will paint center line stripes October 9; leaves removed from Sacramento Ave; cut branches from tree overlooking City Hall parking lot; assisted Caltrans with bridge inspections; continued shoulder maintenance at Mott Rd; Siskiyou overcrossing deck rehab continuing.
- Fire Chief reports department responded to 7 dispatches: 2 traffic collisions, 1 vegetation fire, 2 EMS calls, and 2 other type fires. Total dispatches this year to date are 405. Conducted weekly training on low angle rope rescues, part 2. All apparatus inspected and in good working order. Attended public safety committee meeting, met with Mike Wilson Siskiyou County new OES Coordinator. Reviewed and entered run reports into computer.
- Public Utilities Supervisor reports crew worked with contractor putting in replacement water mains on Butterfly Ave. Digging near existing main exposed several leaks previously undetected. Rocks, rocks and more rocks where forced to dig. All new 8” main is installed and new services were installed and one of the three tie in’s were done. New main charged on Friday for pressure testing. Bac-t testing will be done before it can go into service and old main turned off. Final tie in’s will be next week. On Monday, contractor will begin digging on Shasta Ave and Willow Streets to get correct size of the 12” main so parts can be delivered for that tie in. The 12” water main on Shasta Ave., from Spring Street to Pine Street will be shut down some time in the next week to make that connection and every customer that will be out of service will be notified a few days in advance. Additionally crew was able to assist Public Works in taking down limb from large tree overhanging City Hall parking lot. Quarterly monitory well samples were taken at the Wastewater Treatment Plant as well as Quarterly Effluent and monthly Effluent samples. Daily routine plant testing and plant maintenance is also being done.
- Community Services Officer reports a towed RV was released to the owner after all fees paid to the City; requesting residential property owners repair broken sidewalks in front of houses; assisted Public Works with tree limb chipping and debris removal from City Hall parking lot.
- Interim City Manager met on Thursday with stakeholders group regarding Mossbrae Trail. Another letter to Saint Germain Foundation is being prepared.
Water Ad Hoc Committee Progress Update
Paul Reuter of PACE Engineering presented at the Oct. 1, 2015 City Council meeting the progress update from the Ad Hoc Committee and made his initial recommendations. Notes from the committee meeting are below.
The recommendation was only presented to the council at the Oct. 1 meeting, No decisions we made and no action was taken. The issue of water rates was asked to be on the next city council agenda on Oct. 15, 2015, and every meeting thereafter until the council makes a decision.
City Manager's Weekly Report | October 2, 2015
- Fire Chief reports department responded to 3 dispatches, 2 traffic collisions, 1 false alarm; conducted weekly training on “low angle rope rescues”; worked with Mt. Shasta fleet mechanic to schedule warranty work on ladder truck 820 air conditioner cooling fan (factory recall); entered information and forwarded 3rd quarter reports to California State Fire Marshall’s office.
- Community Services Officer reports a fifth wheel was ticketed on Needham St. and appears to be abandoned; assisted public works with chipping of pre cut debris north of Hedge Creek falls; assisted with rehanging of restored signs on Belnap fountain; conducted security check at airport; and assisted with planting of fish for the Big Fish/Trophy Trout program.
- Interim City Manager met with Sheriff’s representative about 2015-16 MOU for law enforcement services, special enforcement to reduce speeding on Dunsmuir Ave, and reported issue with person at downtown business.
- Sara Anna filled in for Julie Iskra who is recovering from knee replacement. Sara was also drafted to attend Council meeting and take minutes. It was found that maps a part of General Plan on web page were not scanned correctly and they were replaced with the assistance of Councilman Craig.
- Public Works Supervisor was on vacation all week. Crew was able to rehang signs on Belnap fountain after cleaning them up; chipped brush from Mott Road; placed barricades and signs at Library to allow painting; placed barricades for temporary bridge closures; attended bridge inspections with Caltrans inspector (Shasta Retreat and Butterfly); loaded dumpster with ivy and blackberry bush cuttings from Tauhindauli Park. Last planting of trout for Big Fish/Trophy Trout program completed on Thursday.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 09.25.15
- Caltrans audit team that was in City Hall for Tauhindauli Restoration project viewing platform grant has notified City that its findings will be published in the next two weeks.
- Public Works Supervisor reports painting of streets is done for this year; removed sprayer from unit 402; removed many pickup truck loads of brush and debris from airport; attended the FAA inspector meeting at Mott airport; prep work done for asphalt repairs at 4119 Caldwell; repaired sweeper; frontage road maintenance underway; repaired tie downs at airport and sprayed herbicide on weeds; pothole repairs; continued cleaning out storm drains; swept streets and airport; cut down tree on Dunsmuir Avenue; assisted with replacement of worn out water heater at city rental; planted more trout as part of Big Fish/Trophy Trout program; and repaired vandalized concrete cap on top of outside walls of Belnap fountain. Anticipating increased loads of garbage in City dumpster as fall hits and leaves fall on streets.
- Community Services Officer reports responded to several requests for service; assisted public works in clearing cut debris and feeding chipper; arranged for towing of truck with no license plates from parking lot across from Council Chambers; marked car in cemetery parking lot in preparation for towing; and mailed 5 letters requesting compliance with different code sections.
- Newest final MOU for Law Enforcement Service for 2015-16 has been received and is being reviewed by Interim City Manager, City Attorney, and SCORE program administrator. It will be presented and discussed by Public Safety Committee at their next meeting on October 7.
- Grant reconciliation documents were forwarded to Shasta Regional Community Foundation to close out $10,500 grant received some time ago by Garden Club which City agreed to administer in late 2014. Once this grant is closed out, new grant moneys may be requested for maintenance and operation of Tauhindauli restoration project and Park. Hopefully permanent bathroom preliminary work can be started soon.
- Some of the 30 years leases for hangars at City of Dunsmuir Mott airport are reaching end of lease period. Two pilots have already requested 10 years extensions on their leases which is provided for in leases.
- Fire Chief reports that there were 9 dispatches, 2 vegetation fires, 3 public assists, 3 EMS responses, 1 automatic aid to Mt. Shasta response for commercial fire alarm this week. 40 total dispatches to date for this month. Meeting held with Julie Titus from Dunsmuir Fire Safe Council to discuss current and future fuel reduction, fuel breaks, and thinning projects in the Dunsmuir Wildland Interface area. Weekly training topic was “Truck Company Operations”. Unit S-840 had “low pressure sensors” replaced that were found to be defective.
- Public Works Supervisor reports another split was found in water main in Butterfly Avenue. This is one of the sections that will be replaced by CDBG grant project that will start on Monday. Major water service leak was also repaired on Edyth St. Water meters were read Weds through Fri and reads given to City Hall. Water leak discovered on Sacramento Avenue and hole drilled though pavement to let water out and not damage the roadway. Final repairs will be done on Tuesday of next week. Assisted contractor in locating water and sewer lines in Butterfly Ave and on property where new house to be constructed.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 8.31.15 - 9.3.15
- Staff has received final draft of 2013-14 audit. It will be presented to City Council at your September 17 or 24 meeting. Finance Consultant and Auditor are scheduling start of 14-15 audit.
- Central Federal Lands, Caltrans, and Interim City Manager teleconferenced on Tuesday regarding next steps for Butterfly Bridge improvement project. A Statement of Work has been prepared by Central Federal Lands and will be presented to City Council at your September 17 or 24 meeting. If executed, CFL can apply for funds in November to begin feasibility studies that will lead to determination of actual work needing to be done on Butterfly Bridge. Hopefully in early 2016 applications for remainder of any needed funding for this work can be submitted and approved in August 2016. Any construction could be started in mid to late 2016 or spring 2017.
- Public Works Supervisor reports paint sprayer fixed and work continues on pavement markings throughout downtown; Mott airport is being swept regularly on runways, taxi ways and tie down areas; began work on airport outside obstruction light where support arm failed; estimates for crack sealing of paved areas at airport being requested; trout were picked up and delivered as part of Big Fish/Trophy Trout program; repaired water problem at Belnap fountain; prepared report recommending designation of surplus for truck taken out of service some time ago; capped faucets at Tauhindauli and City park; continuing weed eating and trimming of trees, bushes, etc. from public rights of way. Met with member of airport committee and developed list of other needed projects to comply with FAA compliance letter dated September 2014. On Friday, spraying of weeds along runway and taxi ways will be done.
- Airport committee agendized to meet September 8 at 12 noon in Council Chambers. Solid Waste committee agendized to meet September 9 at 3:30 pm in Council Chambers. Water Ad Hoc committee agendized to meet September 15 at 5:30 pm in Council Chambers.
- Paperwork is being processed and it looks like construction by RA Martin on CDBG water main replacement project will start either September 16 or 21. Preconstruction meeting will be in Redding (PACE Office) on September 15.
- Public Utilities Supervisor reports that rebuilt roof has been reinstalled on water pump building at airport; replaced water meter that had stopped working on Sacramento Avenue and ordered new concrete box as current box is broken; repaired water leak on Vista Street; poured concrete around meter box on Cedar Street and around sewer clean out at end of Wells Avenue; painted fire hydrants red on Elinore and Beverly Way; finished installation of new service in Shasta Retreat; completed monthly reports to be sent to State Water Quality Control Board; and completed plant maintenance items like mowing lawns, weed eating, and routine daily testing.
- Blue Bag recycling program is no longer taking tin cans.
- Wednesday, web master for City’s web page conducted training of staff on placement of text items on the web page.
- Community Services Officer reports had vehicle towed from public right of way that had registration over six months out of date; posted agendas and notices on city bulletin boards; provided traffic control after vehicle left roadway on Sacramento Avenue; continuing talks with residents regarding accumulation of discarded items; and removed several dead squirrels.
- On Monday, September 7 City Hall will be closed to celebrate Labor Day.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 8.23.15 - 8.28.15
- State HCD has approved all expenditures for CDBG grants and Revolving Loan Fund to move forward. Bills incurred to date on community center improvements, water master plan, water rate study, and water main replacement projects will be processed as soon as possible. Some of water main replacement project bills have been paid from program income set aside for that project.
- State auditor representative visited City Hall on Tuesday to review files and complete annually required Streets and Roads report. He worked with Pam Russell to acquire the information needed.
- AGT, the City’s auditors, again confirmed that 2013-14 audit report will be completed by them in the next couple weeks.
- Paul Reuter has been given updated budget numbers to include in water rate study report. Another meeting of Water Ad Hoc Committee is scheduled for September 15 to review the updated report.
- Some members of the airport committee met on Tuesday as a committee of the whole to continue discussions on airport business. The next scheduled regular meeting is Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at noon in the Council Chambers.
- Cathy Emerson of Chico State University presented information on Fiber Optics to the Economic Development and Tourism Committee. Unfortunately a quorum was not available but good exchange of information was provided. Greg Metzer also attended.
- Dave Fabrinni requested a deposit agreement so he can work with City Engineer and City Planner to determine requirements for constructing house in subdivision south of Shasta Retreat.
- Community Services Officer reports continuing patrols for code issues. On Wednesday it was noticed a yellow lab was limping while out for walk with its owner. It was noticed that the dog had bone sticking through paw. The dog was surrendered to City and transported to Mt. Shasta animal hospital. Based on evaluation of medical staff the dog was euthanized. The owner has been reported for investigation of animal cruelty. On Thursday two contractors were observed working in Dunsmuir and found not to have business licenses. They obtained business licenses. House on Sacramento Ave and house on Elinore remain under observation for violations of city codes.
- Finance committee met on Wednesday and received update report on 2013-14 audit and preliminary presentation of 2015-16 budget.
City Manager's Weekly Report | 08.17.15 - 08.21.15
- Stakeholders group arranging for appraisal of Shasta Springs property reports appraiser toured property on Monday and will prepare cost proposal for consideration in next two weeks. Hopefully appraisal can be completed in the next two months and then presented to Saint Germain Foundation for their consideration, and hopefully lead to Mossbrae Falls trail.
- Water Ad Hoc Committee on Water Master Plan update and Water Rates Study received final report from consulting engineer and recommended minor changes and four alternative rate increase proposals. Engineer will present final reports to the City Council at your September 3 regular meeting. It is hoped adoption of Master Plan update and final recommendation on water rates can be reached at your September 17 meeting.
- Interim City Manager attended Dunsmuir Recreation District Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday evening. Board directed staff to forward report to City on Bent Rail Park proposal as reviewed by staff and facilities committee.
- Interim City Manager met with Bruce Ross, District Director for Assemblyman Brian Dahle on Wednesday. Mossbrae Falls proposed trail and other projects were discussed.
- Public Works Supervisor reports his division is working on replacing broken light pole that was located just south of 800’ bridge, no information on how it was damaged; continued painting of street markings until paint sprayer broke and had to be transported to Redding for repairs; assisted in water repair work on Florence Loop; repaired access road to fishing area off Prospect Ave; general weed eating along public rights of way, and cut back brush along Florence Loop. Planted fish for Big Fish/Trophy Trout program.
- Finance consultant and Interim City Manager presented rough draft 2015-16 budget to staff at Wednesday meeting.
- Community Service Officer reports several property owners or renters have been asked to clean up or remove debris or cast offs from their properties and are agreeing to do so. Some have responded there are out of the area but will comply when they return. Several dead wild animals have been picked up in town and disposed of. This week one dog was picked up at Library and stored at City kennel until out of town owners could pick it up on Friday.
- Councilman Deutsch and Interim City Manager met with Peter Engdahl regarding fiber optics in Dunsmuir on Friday. Earlier in the week Councilman Deutsch had met with Fire Chief and others who worked for or work for AT&T and got orientation about where existing lines are buried and who owns what.
- On Thursday, CDBG Consultant Jim Cook received verbal promise from HCD staff that letter will be forwarded to City next Tuesday authorizing moving program income moneys to business revolving loan fund and additionally allowing remaining program income to be spent on existing CDBG grant programs, community center, water master plan update, and water rate study. After remaining program income is spent, City may request reimbursement of costs for these projects from CDBG grant.
- Public Utilities assisted in repair of 2” water main broken in the lower park; disconnected several services for non-payment; finished rebuilding the roof for the airport well house; removed sludge from the drying beds and poured a new load; started meter reading which will continue into next week; and performed maintenance work at the WWTP.
Upcoming Meetings
City Manager's Weekly Report | August 14, 2015
Weekly Report for prior week
- Public Works Supervisor reports continuing painting of street markings on Dunsmuir Avenue, tear down and replacement of painter filters, took truck 410 to Redding for ECM recalibration, continuing to try to get costs for repair of Veterans’ fountain, removing downed trees at Hedge Creek falls trail, swept airport, repaired irrigation systems at Hedge Creek and Tauhindauli parks, swept streets in town, continuing weed eating and bush clipping in public rights of way.
- Opened bids on Tuesday for CDBG funded water main replacements. Nine bids were received and low bidder documents are being “qualified” by PACE Engineering. If all acceptable there will be sufficient moneys to complete base bid package and both additive bids (Oak Street and Butterfly). The award of bid is scheduled for your August 27 adjourned meeting.
- Tom Hesseldenz, Paul Reuter (PACE) and Interim City Manager met at Tauhindauli Park to review options for permanent bathrooms. Tom will provide original plans for park and as built plans that he has to PACE.
- Julie and Randy met with Siskiyou County Recycling Coordinator and representative from CalRecycle (State Agency) on Wednesday to review Dunsmuir efforts to meet recycling and waste diversion goals. Several possible future projects were discussed.
- Cassie Hansen of FireWhat, City Planner and Interim City Manager met on Thursday regarding possible mapping project that FireWhat could provide for City.
- Fire Chief and Interim City Manager met regarding altering employment status of Fire Chief.
- Finance consultant and Interim City Manager are spending all available time to complete 2015-16 budget. Airport budget portion presented to airport committee on Thursday. Entire budget will be presented to Finance committee August 25. Entire budget will be presented to City Council at study session requested for August 27. Shooting for adoption on September 3.
- Auditors are still shooting for end of August to complete 2013-14 audit.
- Public Utilities crew reports Supervisor on vacation; repaired leaking services on Prospect, Oak and Branstetter; worked on doors to springs 1 and 2; continued spraying of herbicides at WWTP; started rebuilding roof for airport well; repaired sink hole in public right of way adjacent to Yaks; met with property owner of lot adjacent to Shasta Springs and discussed current location of water and sewer services in that area.
- Interim City Manager met with Charles Anderson, Regional Affairs Manager of the Sacramento Valley Division of the League of California Cities.
- Community Services Officer reports complaint about loud and obnoxious chickens that will be followed up, supported utilities department by hanging shut off notices on doors, requested Sheriff assistance to stop four individuals from stealing materials from the former Best Choice Inn, marked tires on boat in 5900 block of Dunsmuir Avenue and was told by owner it will be moved to an appropriate parking spot.
- Artist arranged for by Beautification Committee to repaint sign over Belnap Fountain has judged that wood material on carved/painted sign is beyond repair. It is warped, dried out and split in two places. She will look for alternative to restore a sign to the fountain.
- Special thanks to Administrative Assistant Iskra who facilitated submittal of grant application to UP for children’s lunch program. The grant application will be reviewed and rated in January and announcement of award in February. The grant application is for the summer of 2016. UP also funded this year’s summer lunch program.
Update on 2015 State Water Mandates
City Manager's Weekly Report | 7.27.15 - 7.31.15
- Office staff report that utility billing completed and went out this week. Included in billing are annual consumer confidence report and drought/conservation information flyer. Starting this month City is providing separate monthly statement for those with outstanding CDBG or EDBG loans.
- Public Works Supervisor reports continuing to paint street markings after stopping to service paint sprayer, Native Grounds finished first stage of meadow maintenance at Tauhindauli Park, continuing roadside maintenance, brush cutting and weed eating south side of 800’ bridge to Florence Loop overcrossing (west side), swept streets on 24th and 27th, picked up new DR trimmer on 29th, repairs to water system at cemetery and installed new system timer.
- Public Utilities Supervisor reports entire utilities crew, Interim City Manager, Jim Cook, Leslie Adams, and several from 3 engineers from PACE attended pre-bid conference for CDBG funded water main replacements project. 12 sets of bid documents had been taken out and 8 representatives of contractors attended the pre-bid meeting. After review of bid documents much of the project areas were walked and discussed. Bid opening is scheduled for August 11.
- On Tuesday representatives from Hunter Communications requested encroachment forms for them to connect fiber optics to business in north Dunsmuir.
- Community Services Officer reports that there have been several calls complaining about people dumping on vacant properties. Neighbors knew who dumped and they were contacted. Dumped materials were voluntarily removed and disposed of. There are continuing loose dog issues, most resulting in dogs being returned to owners who pay $5 fee plus relicensing fee if appropriate. One brindle pitbull has been on the loose for days and several complaints were received. It was finally captured with the help of homeowners. After several days in kennel it was euthanized. After notice, vehicle voluntarily towed from south side of 800 foot bridge. Still asking property owners to abate weeds from vacant properties, side yards, and other areas not well maintained.
- Next week Interim City Manager, Public Utilities Supervisor, Finance Consultant will be out of the office on vacation. Would have made Julie acting City Manager but at the last minute she wanted Monday off.
- Tomorrow Interim City Manager has MRIs on both knees. Need for knee replacements to be determined. Julie is making arrangements for knee replacement in November. There may be a need to quarantine the office.
Paul Martin Appointed to Planning Commission
On July 16th, the city council appointed Paul Martin to the Planning Commission. Paul has lived in and around Dunsmuir for his entire life and volunteers for many local organizations. The PC welcomes Paul and looks forward to working with him.