Please get in touch with City Hall to inquire further 530-235-4822 and pick up an application to serve!
The City of Dunsmuir, the Dunsmuir Fire Department, and the Siskiyou County Sheriff have worked together to create a new Evacuation Siren Policy.
The National Weather Service (NWS) has placed Dunsmuir under a Winter Storm Warning and is forecasting 1-2 feet of snow from Friday Afternoon - Saturday Afternoon.
Please get in touch with City Hall to inquire further 530-235-4822 and pick up an application to serve!
Thanks to the Firewise discount, residents have reported up to $200 in savings on their insurance premiums, but unfortunately, Fair Plan residents have been denied this discount. The City reached out to the California Department of Insurance (CDI) about this issue, and CDI contacted the Fair Plan, and the problem has now been resolved. Click to read more.
Please get in touch with City Hall to inquire further 530-235-4822 and pick up an application to serve!