Simpson Ave Repair Update #4

Train Derailment / Simpson Ave repair work update provided by Union Pacific

  • Railcar and lumbar removal: Gondola cars were ordered to remove the remaining three railcars. It should occur within the next two weeks.

  • No rail repair work is planned from March 26th through March 31st.

  • Final repairs to the crossing (Simpson Road): planned the week of April 1st through April 4th with intermittent road closures to install ties, crossing pads, and asphalt.

    • Union Pacific contractor will notify impacted residents with door-to-door flyers and a message board.

Previous information about the train derailment

Saturday night (3/15), a train derailment occurred at the Simpson Ave Railroad Crossing in Shasta Retreat.

Seven railcars, all carrying lumber, had derailed, and no hazardous materials were involved. No railcars impacted the Sacramento River. Simpson Avenue was blocked for roughly 24 hours, and the rail crossing was damaged. Simpson Ave reopened on 3/16.