Simpson Ave Train Derailment 3rd Update

Union Pacific has provided a schedule for repairs at the derailment site on Simpson Ave as follows.

Tuesday 3/18 - Wednesday 3/19: Final Railcar Removal

Tuesday 3/18 - Tuesday 3/25: Track Work

Wednesday 3/26 - Monday 3/31: No work scheduled

Tuesday 4/1 - Friday 4/4: Final repairs to the Simpson Ave crossing with intermittent road closures to install ties, crossing pads, and asphalt.

Information previously provided

Previous 3/18 Morning Update:

The Simpson Ave rail crossing is open to residents, but repairs will continue this week. Delays may occur accessing the Shasta Retreat.

Three railcars remain on either side of Simpson Ave. Union Pacific has yet to provide a timeline for when they will removed but this may take a few weeks. We will provide an update when we have one.

Previous 3/16 Update:

Saturday night, emergency services responded to a train derailment at the Simpson Ave Railroad Crossing in Shasta Retreat.

Emergency crews and Union Pacific quickly determined that seven railcars, all carrying lumber, had derailed and that no hazardous materials were involved. Union Pacific crews were left in charge of the incident since the derailment was determined to be non-hazardous.

No railcars impacted the Sacramento River.