Mott road is closed to traffic due to road wash out. City, County, and CalTrans are working on repair.
Please provide your comments on active transportation within your town of Dunsmuir!
we’d love to hear your opinions! please complete the survey at this website
Did you receive a Dunsmuir Fuel Mitigation Agreement? Please complete and return!
Request for proposals - Downtown Revitalization Strategy
City of Dunsmuir is issuing an RFP for a Downtown Revitalization Strategy. Proposals are due 4.14.23 by 5 pm. Please click the button below for the full RFP.
Need help paying your utility bills? Contact Great Northern Services
Sandbags, do you need Sandbags? County wide Available locations posted!
Floodwatch - update
Currently, the City is closely monitoring the rains and potential for flooding. As rains continue roofs with snow will increasingly gain weight with potential for collapse. Consider clearing off your roofs for your safety. If major flooding occurs sandbags are available at public works. The community center is on standby and will open in the event of evacuations. If you are in an emergency situation please call 911
Multiple days of rain upon fresh snow is predicted. If you're concerned about flooding at your home, City of Dunsmuir provides free sand and sandbags to local residents. Sandbags are located within the Public Works Yard, at the UP Railyard, across from Amtrak. Look under the awning and tarp. Please note that you'll need to bring a shovel, but bags and sand are available for free. Please watch for cross traffic, including freight trains.
Floodwatch - Sand Bags are Available to Residents!
Multiple days of rain upon fresh snow is predicted. If you're concerned about flooding at your home, City of Dunsmuir provides free sand and sandbags to local residents. Sandbags are located within the Public Works Yard, at the UP Railyard, across from Amtrak. Look under the awning and tarp. Please note that you'll need to bring a shovel, but bags and sand are available for free. Please watch for cross traffic, including freight trains.
Caltrans Road Charge Pilot Program meeting Thursday 3/9/23 at 6pm community center
Make sure to come out to Dunsmuir this upcoming Thursday to learn more about the Caltrans Road Charge Pilot Program.
On Thursday, March 9th at 6:00 pm at Dunsmuir Community Center, 4841 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, Caltrans will be holding a meeting to discuss potential changes to how road maintenance is funded. Caltrans is looking for drivers interested in participating in a pilot program where those qualified could earn up to $250.
The state gas tax funds much of our road repair. As many Californians switch to more fuel-efficient or electric vehicles, they buy less gasoline and pay less or no gas tax, which means less funding for our roads and a higher share of costs for those with older or less fuel-efficient vehicles. As a result, California is exploring a per mile fee, or road charge, as a fairer, more transparent, and more sustainable way to fund our roads.
California is launching a seven-month road charge pilot focused on rural and tribal communities. Qualify and earn up to $250 for participating in the pilot. Learn more and sign up:
Come Thursday night to learn about how the state is trying to plan for the future of transportation funding and provide your input on how you think the state should move forward.
If unable to attend in person, the briefing will be streamed.
Just a few days left to Take the Dunsmuir Housing Survey!
Can you find the buried car parked on the street?
Plow operators were lucky they didn’t destroy this car left out on the street! It’s barely visible. Don’t be THAT guy. Please help your city crews in the snow removal process by removing your vehicles from the public right of way during snow removal activities. Thank you to all helping make our City Streets safer. If you can guess the make and model of this car, come on down to City Hall for your prize|
Does Dunsmuir need more Housing? Take the Housing Survey!
Snow Removal to begin. Please assist your city crews...Limit travel if possible...Move Vehicles off Roadways
City Crews are working to clear streets from the Heavy Snow overnight. Please assist by not traveling. Interstate 5 is closed and outbound traffic should be limited to emergencies due to the dangerous nature of the storm. Keep vehicles off of the road way to assist in snow removal efforts. Thank you, City Staff.
Public Parking Lots available during Snow Removal Operations
Residents looking for off-street parking during snow removal may take advantage of the following Public Parking areas:
North City Hall Parking Lot -5915 Dunsmuir Ave
South City Hall Parking Lot - 5915 Dunsmuir Ave
Dunsmuir Community Building Parking Lot - 4841 Dunsmuir Ave
Children’s Park parking area, along chain link fence. - 5700 Dunsmuir Ave
Unfortunately the Union Pacific Parking lot is NOT available this season due to Construction
Check out the new website for the Dunsmuir Active Transportation Plan!
Have your heard?
The City of Dunsmuir, in partnership with CivicWell and KTUA, is preparing an Active Transportation Plan to guide the expansion of facilities for walking, bicycling, and local transit, and we want your input! Take a few minutes to learn more about the project by visiting the newly released project website, and let us know about issues, challenges, and opportunities for Dunsmuir through the comment map and community survey.
Last call! Take a Dunsmuir Housing Survey - Make your voice heard!
Express bus service from Dunsmuir
Beginning February 13th, 2023, STAGE will be offering select express bus routes throughout Siskiyou County, including express routes from Dunsmuir. Please see new STAGE schedule by clicking the button below.
Dunsmuir Fire Dept. Press Release
Dunsmuir, Calif. – Dunsmuir Fire Department is the recipient of a $150,000 grant to purchase new extrication equipment. Known as the “jaws of life,” first responders use these specialized tools to safely rescue crash victims trapped inside a vehicle.
“This new equipment will help reduce the time it takes for us to safely reach someone who needs immediate medical attention,” said Dunsmuir Fire Department Fire Chief Daniel Padilla . “The OTS grant funding will give us the opportunity to purchase modern rescue tools and provide training to first responders that is critical for the care of those injured in crashes.” In 2021 fire departments in Northern Shasta and Southern Siskiyou Counties, responded to 313 traffic crashes in which 38 required extrications.
Delays in providing care to crash victims impacts the “golden hour” of survival, a core principle in the emergency medical services industry. Reducing the time, it takes to get to the patient, treat what can be treated, and transport the patient to the hospital helps increase the chance for recovery.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Need your input! Take the Dunsmuir Housing Survey!
Seeking Citizen Representative for Colliers Interpretive Center
City of Dunsmuir is looking for a local contact to serve as a representative of Dunsmuir for the Collier Interpretive Center (Collier Rest Stop). They meet the 4th Tuesday of every month. To learn more about Collier Interpretive Center please visit their website. If interested please contact City of Dunsmuir for more information and please fill out and turn in an Application to Serve on Committee