Butterfly Ave now has a temporary Closure

Attention Dunsmuir residents: A portion of Butterfly Ave known as “The Wall” is now closed for replacement of a 900 ft water main. Road Signs are placed alerting motorists of the closure. Pedestrians and Fishing Enthusiasts may still access this area by foot. If you live south of Butterfly on Gillis please use Scherrer Ave>Bridge St as a detour around (see highlighted route below). Thank you for your cooperation and patience as City of Dunsmuir performs upgrades to your water system!

Expected opening of the closure is week of July 12th.

Butterfly Reroute.GIF

City of Dunsmuir - Fireworks Ban

There are current conditions which pose an extreme danger to the public health, safety, and the property of the City’s residents, businesses, and visitors that necessitate the prohibition of the sale and discharge of safe and sane fireworks for the year 2021. This decision was made by unanimous decision during the June 3rd, 2021 meeting of Dunsmuir City Council. The resolution can be viewed by clicking on the button below.


Water service interruption

Attention Dunsmuir Residents:

Temporary water shut off notice

Sunday June 6th, starting @ midnight until Monday June 7th, 6 a.m.

Water will be temporarily shut off between Hill Street on Dunsmuir Ave all the way south to Manfredi’s Depot. (including all side streets - Katherine, Francis, Elizabeth and Woodward lane) City of Dunsmuir wishes to thank residents for their patience as the City upgrades our water system.

Water shut off.GIF

Temporary Water shutoff area

If you live along the highlighted areas, be advised your water may be temporarily off between midnight Sunday and 6 a.m. Monday

Thank you for your patience

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Short-Term Rentals Ordinance



The City of Dunsmuir City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. on the following item:


                                                           Short-Term Rentals Ordinance                                                          

The project is a city-initiated amendment to Title 17, Zoning, of the City of Dunsmuir Municipal Code (DMC) to establish regulations for short-term rentals. The project, which adds Chapter 17.40, Short-Term Rentals, to DMC Title 17, institutes a registration requirement for short-term rentals, as well as an application process, inspection requirements, operational standards, prohibitions, and penalties for noncompliance. The project was reviewed by the City of Dunsmuir Planning Commission on May 12, 2021, with the Planning Commission voting three to two to recommend to the City Council that the City adopt the proposed amendment to Title 17.




The public hearing will be held at the City of Dunsmuir City Council Chambers located at 5902 Dunsmuir Avenue. Due to COVID-19, participants will also be able to access the City Council meeting online at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84424135442  and participate in the proceedings remotely. Alternatively, participants can call 1(669)900-6833 and when prompted, enter Meeting ID: 844 2413 5442  .

Covid-19 Rent Relief Program

Need assistance with utilities or rent payments? CA COVID-19 Rent Relief can help!

Visit www.gnservices.org for information and application support. #rent #assistance #siskiyou

Who Can Apply?

Landlords who have income-eligible renters experiencing a financial hardship due to COVID-19 with past due rent.

Renters who have experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19, have past due rent or utilities, and have a household income that is not more than 80% of the area median income.

How do I Apply?

Visit www.gnservices.org or Call Great Northern Services - (530) 938-4115 x127 and leave a message

For more details and information in both English and Spanish click the button below

Dooryard Burning suspended within Dunsmuir City Limits

Attention Dunsmuir Residents. Dooryard burning of yard debris is suspended for the season if you live within the City Limits. If you live outside City Limits you must first obtain a residential burn permit from CalFire to burn. It requires watching a short video and printing out a permit. Prior to burning, call the Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control District at (530) 842-8123 to confirm the burn day status and any burn hour restrictions. Need more details? Click on the buttons below.

Cross Connection Control Survey

Dear Residents, please note, there is an updated version of the cross-connection control survey online. The original version was sent out without the City Manager’s approval and was not meant to scare our citizens or sound overly punitive. We regret the error. The main goal of the survey is to keep our water supply safe! The State of California now requires that cities protect the public water supply from contamination by eliminating actual cross‐connections to drastically reduce the potential for contaminating the public water supply. This means that the State is now requiring that all residents need to install a device to ensure that this does not happen. We appreciate you cooperating in the effort. The survey and updated language can be found here:


Dunsmuir Planning Commission Vacancy


Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54974 there is one vacancy on the Dunsmuir Planning Commission with term expiring June 2022. The Planning Commission is accepting letters of interest from anyone interested in filling the vacancy. The commission meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m..

The qualifications for a commissioner position are:

1. Must live within the sphere of influence of the City of Dunsmuir.

2. Must be a registered voter at the time of appointment.

3. Must be a United States citizen.

4. Must be at least 18 years of age.

Please address letters of interest to:

City Manager

5915 Dunsmuir Avenue, Dunsmuir, CA 96025. Letters must be received by 4:00p.m. on May 14, 2021. Please contact City Hall at 530-235-4822 with any questions.

***Application to serve may be downloaded by clicking on the button below**

Public Notice: Short-term Rentals Zoning Text Amendment

The City of Dunsmuir Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. on the following item:

               Short-Term Rentals Zoning Text Amendment             

The project is a City-initiated amendment to Title 17, Zoning, of the City of Dunsmuir Municipal Code (DMC) to establish regulations for short-term rentals. The project, which adds Chapter 17.40, Short-Term Rentals, to DMC Title 17, institutes a registration requirement for short-term rentals, as well as an application process, inspection requirements, operational standards, prohibitions, and penalties for noncompliance.

The link to that zoom meeting is: https://zoom.us/j/99204517515

Alternatively, participants may call 1(669)900-6833

When prompted, enter Meeting ID: 992 0451 7515

Seeking Utilities Maintainence Worker

UPDATE As of 7/21/2021 this position has been filled

City of Dunsmuir is Hiring for a Utilities Maintenance Worker I

Under the direct supervision of the Utility Maintenance Supervisor, performs semi-skilled duties involved in the operation and maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant; and perform a variety of related work which could include operation and maintenance related to the City’s water system. Starting pay is $20.09 per hour with benefits. The deadline for application is: open until filled (first review of applications will be May 31st, 2021). Click Here for job description and requirements.

Seeking Applicants for Solid Waste ad hoc Committee

City of Dunsmuir Seeking Applicants for Solid Waste Ad Hoc Committee

The City of Dunsmuir is seeking community members who wish to contribute to the discussion regarding our Solid Waste (garbage) contract. The role will require working with Council members and  staff in determining what details should be in place for a new solid waste contract with our current provider. You must live within the City of Dunsmuir to apply to serve.

Letters of interest can be submitted to:

City of Dunsmuir Attn: City Manager

5915 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025

Please include your contact details, home address and telephone number as well as a brief background on yourself and why you believe you are a good candidate to contribute to this committee.

 Letters of interest must be received by 4.00pm on May 14th, 2021.

Applications may be downloaded by clicking on the button below