Storm is approaching - Snow removal operations imminent

Snow Storm is coming! We are anticipating heavy snow fall/accumulation in the following few days. City of Dunsmuir wishes to remind residents to move their vehicles off public streets during snow removal operations. Vehicles shall be removed from public roadways to assist Public Works crews with the safe removal of snow from our roadways. Please be mindful and remove your vehicles from the public roadways so that City crews may safely and efficiently clear our roadways! Per City Code 10.04.010 - Parking restrictions: If you vehicle is impeding the safe removal of snow it may be ticketed and/or towed! Thank you for your cooperation. Sign up for Code Red Alerts to be informed of emergencies in your local area.

No Place to Park?

If you do not have the space to store your vehicle off the roadway or within a private driveway here are some options to temporarily store your vehicle at the following locations:

  • Lots on either the north or south side of City Hall at 5915 Dunsmuir Ave

  • The Amtrak parking area on Sacramento Ave at Pine St.

  • The parking area outside the City Ball Park and Community Building - 4841 Dunsmuir Ave

  • The area to the south of the Children’s Park, next to the cyclone fence, near Benson Roofing property on Dunsmuir Ave

Apply now for a Small Business Relief Grant!

Apply Now for New CA Relief Grant

California recently announced a $500 million Small Business Covid-19 Relief Grant program for eligible small business owners and nonprofits who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the health and safety restrictions. Grants from $5,000 - $25,000 will be given to eligible small businesses and nonprofits to help cover expenses during the pandemic. 

Siskiyou small businesses may apply directly by clicking the button below.

Applications for Round 1 will  close end of day on Friday, January 8. Round 2 will be announced in the near future. 

Applicants will need a few documents to apply, including a government-issued ID, most recent tax return/Form 990 filed, and business certification documentation.

Applicants will be evaluated to determine grant approvals based on eligibility and pre-determined COVID-19 impact factors will be incorporated into the program’s priority criteria.

We’re here to help you gather the necessary materials and submit your application, so please email our team if you need help starting the process.

Daily webinars will be held at 11 a.m. Dec. 30-Jan. 4 to answer applicant questions regarding eligibility, award uses, required documents, and more. Click here to register to attend.

Apply Now

Survey seeking input on Siskiyou County public transportation use

The Siskiyou County Local Transportation Commission is updating the Short Range Transit Plan for Siskiyou County. The transit plan update is an opportunity to  reevaluate public transit needs in the region. The Short Range Transit Plan will serve as the 5 year business plan for the public transit operator, Siskiyou Transit and General Express (STAGE).

As part of the process the Transportation Commission is conducting an on-line community survey to obtain a better understanding of where people in Siskiyou County need to travel by bus.

We would appreciate your input by taking the survey (link below)

Sign up for Code Red Alerts!

City of Dunsmuir encourages residents to sign up for Code Red alerts. These emergency alerts can be delivered to telephone land lines and/or via the mobile phone app to those that register to receive them. City will be sending out alerts via code red when snow removal operations are in progress. Snow removal operations occur when there is 3” or more of snow accumulation. The City wishes to alert residents of snow removal operations so that vehicles may be removed from public streets to allow for roadway clearing. In addition, Code Red can alert you to other emergencies such as fire, earthquake, evacuation orders, chemical spills, lockdowns, etc. See link below to sign up:

City Hall - Now Closed to Public

In response to new COVID-19 County restrictions City Hall offices are now closed to the public. The office will reopen when the County moves to a less restrictive tier. You can reach us at (530) 235-4822 We are still working “behind the scenes” to serve you.

Bills, fees, or fines can be paid through…..

1.    The City of Dunsmuir Website - Permits are downloadable here

2.     Over the phone.

3.    Dropped in the gold secure lock box located by the front door.

4.     Through the mail.

5.    With your bank’s online bill pay platform.

6.    Through ACH or automatic withdrawal

Siskiyou County Burn Permit Suspension Lifted

Yreka, Ca- CAL FIRE Siskiyou Unit Chief Phillip R. Anzo is formally lifting the burn permit suspension in the State Responsibility Area (SRA) of Siskiyou County effective November 10, 2020 at 06:00 a.m. Those possessing a current and valid residential burn permit can now resume burning on permissible burn days.

Residential Burn Permit which can be obtained on-line from the CAL FIRE Burn Permit website located at You MUST Print Out and Sign your permit for it to be valid. Burn Permits must be available on hand at burn location. Contact your local CAL FIRE station with any questions and for more information on burning, visit the CAL FIRE website at

Snow removal operations

The City of Dunsmuir wishes to remind residents that during snow accumulation of 3” or more City crews plan to plow the public streets. Per City Code 10.04.010 - Parking restrictions:

 “It is unlawful for any person, corporation, or other entity in control of any motor vehicle to park such motor vehicle on any public street in the city during any snowstorm of three inches or more of snow, and/or during snow removal operations.”

The City of Dunsmuir will be towing vehicles that remain on public streets prior to snow removal operations.

The City would like to direct residents that do not have off-street parking available at their residence to navigate to the following City-owned parking lots:

  • Either the north or south side of City Hall at 5915 Dunsmuir Ave

  • The Amtrak parking area on Sacramento Ave at Pine St.

  • The parking area outside the Ball Park and Community Building - 4841 Dunsmuir Ave

  • The area to the south of the Children’s Park, next to the cyclone fence, near Benson Roofing property on Dunsmuir Ave

Thank you for your cooperation.

Corona Virus Relief Funds - For Businesses

Siskiyou County Businesses may be elligible for up to $10,000 in grant assistance as part of a Corona Virus Relief Fund. Click the link below to help dermine if you are eligible. The link outlines all the documents to have ready to attach to the application.

Applications go live Monday, Aug. 17, and awards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Businesses must have been in existence since July 2019 and have a physical location to apply.

 The CRF Business Grant Program is being administered by the Siskiyou Economic Development Council. All inquiries and questions not answered at the link above can be directed by email to or via telephone (530) 842-1638.