Council Member and Rotarian “Big Dave” just installed Dunsmuir’s first Little Free Library 4/17/19.
Please join in the joy of sharing with Dunsmuir’s Rotary, Little Free Library, located at City Hall. 5915 Dunsmuir Avenue.
The City of Dunsmuir, the Dunsmuir Fire Department, and the Siskiyou County Sheriff have worked together to create a new Evacuation Siren Policy.
The National Weather Service (NWS) has placed Dunsmuir under a Winter Storm Warning and is forecasting 1-2 feet of snow from Friday Afternoon - Saturday Afternoon.
Please get in touch with City Hall to inquire further 530-235-4822 and pick up an application to serve!
Thanks to the Firewise discount, residents have reported up to $200 in savings on their insurance premiums, but unfortunately, Fair Plan residents have been denied this discount. The City reached out to the California Department of Insurance (CDI) about this issue, and CDI contacted the Fair Plan, and the problem has now been resolved. Click to read more.
Council Member and Rotarian “Big Dave” just installed Dunsmuir’s first Little Free Library 4/17/19.
Please join in the joy of sharing with Dunsmuir’s Rotary, Little Free Library, located at City Hall. 5915 Dunsmuir Avenue.
Siskiyou County is hosting reduced price Green Waste Days to support landowners and residents in cleaning up property and preparing for the upcoming fire season. The Black Butte Transfer Station is hosting this event on April 19 and 20th from 8am to 4pm.
Please click the button below for more information.
Click the button for a press release regarding CodeRED enrollment.
Click the buttons below for the final Sewer and Solid Waste Rate Studies
The presentation for the City of Dunsmuir’s Sewer & Solid Waste Rate Study Town Hall meeting is available. Click on the “LEARN MORE” button to view or download the presentation.
The City of Dunsmuir is hosting a Town Hall meeting on March 6, 2019 at 6pm at the Community Building to discuss a proposed solid waste rate increase. Please click on the Learn More button below to see the current solid waste rate study that will be discussed at the town hall meeting.
The City of Dunsmuir is hosting a Town Hall meeting on March 6, 2019 at 6pm at the Community Building to discuss a proposed sewer rate increase. Please click on the Learn More button below to see the current sewer rate study that will be discussed at the town hall meeting.
Come learn and ask questions about the proposed rate increases for Wastewater and Solid Waste. March 6, 2019 at 6 pm at the Dunsmuir Community Building.
Please click on the buttons to learn more about the DPAC (Disaster Planning Advisory Committee), Park’s and Rec Board Member vacancy, and Planning Commissioner vacancy.
Need a rabies shot for your 4 legged friend? Come to the Dunsmuir Fire Hall April 4th 2019 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm. There will be a mobile pet clinic administering rabies shots for $10. Click the button for a flyer.
Please click on the Meetings and Agendas tab to access the agenda.
Please click the “Learn More” button to access documents associated with the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project.
Please click here to learn more about 2 employment opportunities at the City of Dunsmuir
Dunsmuir’s Butterfly Bridge is in need of replacement. The City of Dunsmuir is requesting proposals to provide engineering and environmental services. If interested, please visit for additional information.
Please click here for an important notice regarding drinking water.
Please click here for the agenda for the 11/14/18 Planning Commission Meeting.
Residents are reminded that outdoor residential burning within the City of Dunsmuir is still prohibited. The suspension has been in effect since May 1, 2018 at 8:00 a.m., and bans all residential outdoor burning of landscape debris such as branches and leaves. There is not an estimated date for lifting the burn suspension. Although overnight temperatures are cooler, the vegetation is still extremely dry and receptive to burning. The public cannot let down their guard or become complacent in doing their part to prevent wildfires.
Click on this link for a notice regarding the water system.
In November 2015 the voters of Dunsmuir passed a 1/2 cent Transaction and Use Tax (TUT). The proceeds from this sales tax go back into our community by supporting special projects and services. If you have a special project or service in the City of Dunsmuir that you would like to request TUT Grant Funds then click on the "Learn More" button to get an application form, and submit it to City Hall, 5915 Dunsmuir Ave., CA. 96025. Applications can be submitted at any time, but to ensure funding in fiscal year 2019/2020 (starts on July 1, 2019) please submit the application by the end of February to ensure that your application is considered during the City’s budget process.