The Castella Dunsmuir Fire Department will be hosting an open house for fire prevention safety week. See the flier below for more details.
Dunsmuir Craft Faire
The Dunsmuir Rotary is sponsoring the “Dunsmuir Craft Faire” on November 10, 2018 at the Dunsmuir Community Building from 10am to 4pm. For more information please click on the “Learn More” button below.
Delta & Hirz Fire Community Meeting
The Forest Service is holding a Community Meeting at the Dunsmuir High School Gymnasium today (9/7/18) at 6 PM. Fire officials will give an overview of current and expected fire conditions, and will be available for questions. The meeting will also be available on Facebook Live
Delta Fire Update
As of 10am this morning the Delta Fire was reported to be over 15,000 acres with zero percent containment. The fire is located South of Pollard Flat and is moving in a North/West direction. Resources are onsite battling the fire and more are on the way. “To stop the fires northern spread and protect structures east of Interstate 5, firefighters have started a backfiring operation off a road that runs east from Pollard Flats to Hirz Fire’s western side near Salt Creek Road.” (see attached document to Learn More)
The Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office has issued an evacuation warning for Dunsmuir. Please be prepared to evacuate, should the need arise. The Armory located at 618 Everitt Memorial Hwy, Mt. Shasta, is open for evacuees in South Siskiyou County.
CodeRed Emergency Alert System. If you have internet you can visit: to get more information and signed up with this service. If you have a smart phone you can download the application direct to your phone. Residents who don’t have internet or a smart phone can call (866) 939-0911 to get signed up.
Evacuation Advisory Notice
Due to fire activity, the Siskiyou County Sherrifs Office has issued an Evacuation Advisory Notice. You can read the notice by visiting the link below on their facebook page.
Community Meeting - Hirz Fire
The Forest Service is holding a Community Meeting on August 30, 2018 at 6pm, at the Dunsmuir Community Center to update the Dunsmuir area citizens on the status of the Hirz Fire.
Fire update as reported on the evening of August 28th: The Hirz Fire is 31 percent contained with expected containment expected on September 5, 2018. For additional information please click on the "LEARN MORE" button below, or follow the links listed below.
Fire Hazard Awareness Notice
Due to ongoing concerns associated with the wildfires in California, and more specifically the recent Hirz Fire which is located East of Lakehead, the City of Dunsmuir offers the following helpful links and documents to assist in being prepared for potential emergencies.
Siskiyou County CodeRed Emergency Alert System.
Fire and Your Health.
Red Cross Survival Kit.
The City of Dunsmuir’s Fire Chief is in constant communication with firefighting crews associated with the Hirz fire, and other fire crews in the area. The Sheriff Department staff is also in close communication with city staff and stands ready to assist as needed. Currently, Dunsmuir is not threatened by any fire in the area, but it is important to take measures now to ensure that you and your family are ready in case an emergency does arise. Should an emergency arise the City of Dunsmuir, the Sheriff Department, Firefighting professionals like CalFire or the Forestry, and the local media will work together to provide important information.
Finally, working with the Siskiyou County Sheriffs Department and the Dunsmuir-Castella Fire Department, we've created the Smart Neighbors Program to make sure concerned citizens can help their neighbors receive the help they need should an evacuation arise. Please click the box below to fill out a form to submit if you are concerned your neighbor may not be able to assist themselves from their home.
City Hall now has a Prescription Drug deposit station
The Sheriff's office installed a prescription drug deposit station at City Hall today. Accepted items include; prescription medications, prescription ointments, prescription liquids, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and medications for pets. Not-accepted items include; illegal schedule 1 drugs, hydrogen peroxide, and needles.
Important information about your drinking water
Click here to see the notice. This notice will also be included in the mailing of September bills.
Updated Bus Schedule
STAGE just released a new bus schedule which extends services to Castella.
Please see the link below for the full bus schedule.
Drug Prevention Town Hall
The Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office, Behavioral Health Service, and City of Dunsmuir will host a "Drug Awareness Town Hall" on Tuesday, June 12th at 6pm at the Dunsmuir Community Center, 4835 Dunsmuir Avenue. The goal of the town hall is to promote drug awareness, positively influence adults and adolescents, and to ultimately build more healthy and resilient community.
CalFire News Release - suspension of burn permits
CAL FIRE Suspends Burn Permits in Siskiyou County effective June 6th 2018. Click here to read the news release. And click here to read the proclamation.
Consumer Confidence Report 2017
Please click the button below to read the Consumer Confidence Report for 2017.
Leash Law
The spring season is bringing with it an increase in complaints about dogs being on the loose throughout Dunsmuir, and in some cases aggressive. Please take some time to ensure that your dog(s) are secure and safe at your residence and while walking them. The City of Dunsmuir has a Leash Law which states: “Every dog found or being on any public street of the city and not held or led by a cord or chain, or confined in any vehicle, shall be taken by the poundmaster to and impounded in the public pound, where it may be redeemed by the owner or person entitled to the possession of the dog, within three days thereafter. No person who owns or has charge, custody, control or possession of a dog shall allow it to run at large so that it is subject to impoundment. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an infraction.”
Student Bus Pass
Siskiyou County S.T.A.G.E. is offering a Student Summer Pass which is valid from June 15th thru August 15, 2018 for only $40. This pass buys unlimited rides.
Best Water on Earth
The City of Dunsmuir is known as “The Best Water on Earth” for good reason. The water delivered to the greater Dunsmuir area is pure spring water. This water comes straight out of a mountain spring and is delivered right to our homes and businesses. That’s right, from the spring straight to the tap. No chemicals added, no filtration, simply pure spring water from mother earth.
Before I took the job as the City Manager for the City of Dunsmuir I had over 33 years experience in the water treatment industry, and held a State of California Water Treatment Operator Grade T4 (#18260) certification. I’ve seen a lot of different source waters, and have a lot of experience in what it takes to get water to the State of California standards. It is rare to have water that requires no treatment or filtration to comply with State Title 22 requirements, and to have this water delivered at a nice cool temperature, tasting as good as it does reinforces the reason we call our water the “Best Water on Earth”.
Mark Brannigan, City Manager
Airport Closure for maintenance and paint striping
Be advised - the City of Dunsmuir will be closing the Airport between the hours of 7:30 am and 2:30 pm on April 30th through May 3rd for maintenance and line striping. Thank you for your patience - Dunsmuir Public Works Department.
Beautification Committee Vacancy
There is a citizen-member vacancy on the City of Dunsmuir Beautification Committee, an advisory committee to the Dunsmuir City Council. Letters of Interest may be submitted to:
City Manager, 5915 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025 by noon on May 3, 2018. Applications will be reviewed at the City Council meeting on May 3, 2018. Applicants should plan on attending.
Sewer Smoke Testing
The City of Dunsmuir Sewer Department will be cleaning and smoke testing the sewer collection system on May 8th and 9th. This project is being done in an effort to help limit the cost of sewage treatment plant expansions that will be necessary over the next few years due to Inflow and Infiltration.
The smoke testing will include the following areas. Schearer Ave., Grover St, Edyth St., Vernie St., Sacramento Ave.(6100-6200) Wood St., Wood Alley, Cherry St., Pine St. (upper), (5700 Blk) Castle Ave, Shasta ave, Spruce St. and Willow St. Others could be affected in the general area of these streets. The Smoke Testing is an integral part of this maintenance program aimed at reducing rainwater and ground water infiltrating the sewers. The smoke will escape through cracks, breaks, storm water tie-ins such as rain gutters on houses, and uncapped clean-outs.
The Smoke is not toxic and will not harm anyone but occasionally smoke will come out of drains in houses that are not piped properly. If this happens at your house or business we suggest you contact the building inspector and a plumber to fix the problem as soon as possible because if the smoke gets in your house so will sewer gases which could be toxic or explosive if the right conditions exist.