The Dunsmuir Collection System Improvement Project, funded through a State Revolving Fund Grant, continues to progress. Contractor Cox and Cox Construction is currently working in North Dunsmuir on the project.
The project, which will replace about 375 sewer lateral connection points throughout Dunsmuir, will last through October 2025. This work will largely occur near property lines and is not expected to result in street closures.
Residents will be notified with a Blue Tag at least 72 hours before sewer lateral connection work begins at their property lines. The Blue Tag will have a number that residents can call for more information.
In April 2025, sewer main replacement work will also begin in some key areas, which may result in some street closures. Additional updates will be provided when that work is set to begin.
This project will help modernize some of the older portions of the Dunsmuir Sewer System.