Parking Restrictions during Periods of Snow and Snow Removal in Effect


Now that snow season_ is upon us, the City of Dunsmuir would like to remind everyone not to park on streets or alleys when snow conditions exist and removal operations are underway.

City of Dunsmuir City Code Sections 10.04.010K and 10.12.070A require that vehicles must not be parked on streets during snow removal operations. Vehicles in violation will be cited and if not removed in a reasonable time will be cited again and towed and stored at the owner's expense.

While these areas are not intended for long term storage or storage of disabled vehicles for the winter, alternative parking is available during snow removal operations at

• South parking lot at City Hall

• North parking lot at City Hall

• Community Center building parking lot at City Park

If you have any questions regarding parking of vehicles during snow removal operations, please contact City Hall at (530) 235-4822.

Thank you for your attention and compliance .

10.04.010 - Parking restrictions. (k)

It is unlawful for any person, corporation, or other entity in control of any motor vehicle to park such motor vehicle on any public street in the city during any snowstorm of three inches or more of snow, and/or during snow removal operations.

10.12.070 - Authorization for towing and storage

Vehicles parked in violation of any parking regulation set forth in or pursuant to this title, or parked in violation of any applicable law of the state of California or subdivision thereof may be towed and stored at the direction of the city manager, his designee or other officer acting on behalf of the city at the expense of the owner or operator, if the city manager, his or her designee or officer determines that towing is necessary to facilitate snow plowing, for the safety of the public, to clear the streets of a vehicle which has been given two or more consecutive (continuous) notices of parking violations and which such notices of violations remain unsatisfied as to payment of bail in accordance with this chapter.