Check out the new website for the Dunsmuir Active Transportation Plan!

Have your heard?

The City of Dunsmuir, in partnership with CivicWell and KTUA, is preparing an Active Transportation Plan to guide the expansion of facilities for walking, bicycling, and local transit, and we want your input! Take a few minutes to learn more about the project by visiting the newly released project website, and let us know about issues, challenges, and opportunities for Dunsmuir through the comment map and community survey.

Dunsmuir Fire Dept. Press Release

Dunsmuir, Calif. – Dunsmuir Fire Department is the recipient of a $150,000 grant to purchase new extrication equipment. Known as the “jaws of life,” first responders use these specialized tools to safely rescue crash victims trapped inside a vehicle.

“This new equipment will help reduce the time it takes for us to safely reach someone who needs immediate medical attention,” said Dunsmuir Fire Department Fire Chief Daniel Padilla . “The OTS grant funding will give us the opportunity to purchase modern rescue tools and provide training to first responders that is critical for the care of those injured in crashes.” In 2021 fire departments in Northern Shasta and Southern Siskiyou Counties, responded to 313 traffic crashes in which 38 required extrications.


Delays in providing care to crash victims impacts the “golden hour” of survival, a core principle in the emergency medical services industry. Reducing the time, it takes to get to the patient, treat what can be treated, and transport the patient to the hospital helps increase the chance for recovery.


Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Seeking Citizen Representative for Colliers Interpretive Center

City of Dunsmuir is looking for a local contact to serve as a representative of Dunsmuir for the Collier Interpretive Center (Collier Rest Stop). They meet the 4th Tuesday of every month. To learn more about Collier Interpretive Center please visit their website. If interested please contact City of Dunsmuir for more information and please fill out and turn in an Application to Serve on Committee

Attention Thursday Garbage Day Pick-up Customers! (South Dunsmuir)

Snowstorm is predicted Thursday, as such, Thursday pick-up day residents may leave out garbage cans for a possible early Wednesday afternoon pick-up. BE ADVISED Waste hauler may attempt to pick up can a day early, especially if you live on a steep street!

Please bring your can out as close to the inside of snow berm as possible to avoid getting missed!

Remove your can from street as soon as garbage has been picked up to prevent any mishaps with a snow plow!

Thank you for your cooperation in getting your waste hauled!

Snow Removal Information

The propose of snow removal is for emergency access, mail delivery, public commuting and commercial deliveries.

  • Snow removal generally begins when 2 or more inches of snow has fallen.

  • On street parking is prohibited during snow removal operations. Vehicles not moved during snow removal operations can be towed and moved to a storage area at the owner’s expense.

  • Alternative parking is available on a limited basis at South City Hall parking lot, North City Hall Parking lot, and the Community Center Building parking lot at City Park.

To see the street priorities, snow storage areas, frequently asked questions and hints to for snow removal please see our Snow Removal Plan by clicking download below.

Burn Suspension Lifted - November 1, 2022

CAL FIRE - is formally lifting the ban on Dooryard Burning beginning November 1st.


  • Prior to burning, call the Siskiyou County Air Pollution Control District at (530) 842-8123 to find out if it is a “ burn day” and any burn hour restrictions.

  • Only dry, natural vegetation such as leaves, pine needles and tree trimmings that originated on the property can be burned. Burning household garbage is not allowed.

  • Piles should be no larger than 4-feet in diameter with 10-feet of clearance down to bare soil.

  • A responsible adult must be in attendance at all times. Fires should never be left unattended.

  • Must have a water supply available, such as charged garden hose or 5-gallon water extinguisher.

  • DO NOT burn on windy days.

Siskiyou County Residents living outside Dunsmuir City Limits are required to first obtain a valid “residential burn permit”. It may be obtained online at the CAL FIRE Burn Permit website: You MUST Print Out and Sign your permit for it to be valid. Burn Permits must be available on hand at burn location.

Dunsmuir residents, it’s advised you review the Burn Permit website and watch the safety video to learn how to safely control your residential landscape debris burn pile. It has some great safety tips!

City Hall Closed to Public - Thurs & Friday - October 20-21

Due to limited Staffing City of Dunsmuir’s City Hall will be Closed to the Public October 20-21, 2022.

Bills fees or fines can be paid through…

1.             The City of Dunsmuir website.

2.             Over the phone. (530) 235-4822

3.             Dropped in the gold secure lock box located by the front door.

4.             Through the mail.

5.             With your banks online bill pay platform.

6.             Through ACH, or automatic withdrawal.

To Speak to a representative call (530) 235-4822