Support local business

Here is a blog post from Discover Siskiyou regarding how we can help support local businesses during COVID-19 precautions:
A list of Siskiyou Businesses who are continuing to serve the community

An excerpt of the article is below (Dunsmuir businesses that are open during this time). If you are a local Dunsmuir business and wish to be included in this post, please email


  • Delivery, curbside, and carryout. Free small breadsticks with purchase of XL pizza through end of March.


  • (530) 235-4849


  • Call for hours and curbside delivery. Baked goods are available Mount Shasta Supermarket, Berryvale, and to Dunsmuir Supermarket.

  • (530) 500-2160


  • Closed for food but call for growler refills or beer cans availability

  • (530) 235-1900


  • Home delivery for seniors 65 & Older and curbside grocery pickup. Delivery is free, $30 minimum order.

  • (530) 235-4266

Public Works Notice - Street Crack Fill projects in April

The City of Dunsmuir Public Works Department will be performing several street maintenance projects during the month of April. The work is projected to start on April 6, 2020 and will continue through May 1, 2020. The start date is subject to change as we learn more about the impacts of the Covid 19. Virus. 

The current list of streets to be fixed includes:

Branstetter St. between Dunsmuir Ave. and Sacramento Ave.

Sacramento Ave. from Branstetter St. north to the Sacramento Ave. @ Dunsmuir Ave. intersection

Florence Loop

 All of these streets will be subject to temporary parking restrictions. In addition, lane closures, temporary detours and street closures may occur until the projects are complete. The City of Dunsmuir Public Works Department will give 48 hour advance notice to the public in the areas where work is scheduled to begin. The City of Dunsmuir apologizes in advance for any inconvenience may cause.

                                                                                                             Thank you,

                                                                                                 Questions, please contact

                                                                                                    City of Dunsmuir

                                                                                                 Public Works Department

                                                                                                       530 235 4437

City Hall Closed to the Public

Dunsmuir City Hall will be closed to the public. Essential city functions will continue and City Hall will be staffed. The contact number for city hall is (530) 235-4822. Please call staff with any questions or concerns.


Utility payments have always and will continue to be accepted and processed in the drop box located next to the front door of city hall. In addition, staff is working toward suspending the $3 service fee associated with online payments. Plus, staff can accept credit card payments over the phone during this time. To reiterate, ways to pay your utility bill will be as follows;

  • drop box located next to front door

  • online (with $3 fee to be waived)

  • credit/debit card over the phone (530) 235-4822

Public meeting to discuss housing needs

City of Dunsmuir City Council and Planning Commission will be hosting a workshop to discuss possible constraints to the development of housing in the City and to solicit public input on the community’s housing needs. The public workshop will be held on September 25, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at Dunsmuir City Council Chambers, 5902 Dunsmuir Avenue, Dunsmuir, CA 96025

Please see the meetings & agendas tab for more information