Question of the Week: Resilient Dunsmuir

The City of Dunsmuir has begun to create the Resilient Dunsmuir Plan. Each week for the next six months, we will ask a Question of the Week to obtain public input to help guide this planning effort. Click the Question of the Week button below to answer the very first one!

What is the Resilient Dunsmuir plan?

This plan combines the requirements of three different plans into one, reducing redundancy and streamlining efforts. This singular planning effort will meet the following state and federal planning requirements;

Safety Element: The last major update was in 2006. The current Safety Element has multiple deficiencies. This plan is focused on reducing our risk from all hazards through land use planning.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP): The last CWPP update was in 2016. The CWPP should be updated at least every 10 years to remain commutative for some wildfire mitigation funding sources. This plan is focused on wildfire risk reduction.

Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP): The City has never had its own Hazard Mitigation Plan. We are currently covered under the Siskiyou County HMP, which will be formally adopted this year. This plan is focused on reducing all hazards and risks.

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