Public Works Notice - Street Crack Fill projects in April

The City of Dunsmuir Public Works Department will be performing several street maintenance projects during the month of April. The work is projected to start on April 6, 2020 and will continue through May 1, 2020. The start date is subject to change as we learn more about the impacts of the Covid 19. Virus. 

The current list of streets to be fixed includes:

Branstetter St. between Dunsmuir Ave. and Sacramento Ave.

Sacramento Ave. from Branstetter St. north to the Sacramento Ave. @ Dunsmuir Ave. intersection

Florence Loop

 All of these streets will be subject to temporary parking restrictions. In addition, lane closures, temporary detours and street closures may occur until the projects are complete. The City of Dunsmuir Public Works Department will give 48 hour advance notice to the public in the areas where work is scheduled to begin. The City of Dunsmuir apologizes in advance for any inconvenience may cause.

                                                                                                             Thank you,

                                                                                                 Questions, please contact

                                                                                                    City of Dunsmuir

                                                                                                 Public Works Department

                                                                                                       530 235 4437