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Public Meeting Hearing on CDBG Funded Activities Closeout

Notice of Public Meeting on the Status of CDBG Funded Activities

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Dunsmuir will hold a public hearing on August 1st, 2024 at 6 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 5912 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025. The purpose of the hearing will be to discuss and solicit comments on the submittal of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) accomplishments and closeout report for the Dunsmuir Microenterprise Assistance Program, 20-CDBG-12088. The project is being funded through a Community Development Block Grant provided by the California Housing and Community Development.

Activity:                                                    20-CDBG-12088
                                                       Awarded        $250,000.00

Microenterprise Assistance:                          $250,000.00


The City of Dunsmuir will be required to disencumber $75,136.65 of 20-CDBG-12088 for Microenterprise Assistance. Due to an insufficient number of eligible activities and limited award amounts due to underwriting standards, the City of Dunsmuir was unable to spend down those funds.

The following information related to the project is available at 5915 Dunsmuir Ave (between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Monday –Friday or by emailing the contact listed below:

A.      Project progress/status of completion and expected timeframe to completion

B.      Results to date and projected totals, such as number of beneficiaries assisted, housing units completed, portion of project in service, or persons served.

C.      Funds expended, balance of funds available, and budget expectations to completion.

All persons interested in the status of funding, or the progress of the project are welcome to attend this meeting in person or remotely via zoom, look for link to join on City Website Written comments can be directed to the City of Dunsmuir, at 5915 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025  or you may contact  Wendy Perkins by telephone or email at 530-235-4822 ext. 102  no later than July 25th on to ensure placement in the official record of the hearing.

The City of Dunsmuir does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, age, religion or disability. If you require specific accommodations to participate in the public hearing, please contact Wendy Perkins at least 7 days prior to the scheduled hearing.